My name is Marsha, Marshy, Marshie, Marshmallow, Nerd, and M. My hubster of over 25 years calls me babe and my kids call me mom and mommy.
I've got four boys (Austin- 21, Noah-19, Christian 11/12/04-8/26/08*, and Ian-8) and one girl (Hope-6). Yes, it is quite the spread in age... No, we didn't keep trying until we "finally got our girl"... and Yes, all kids are with my first and only husband and I'm his first and only wifey! :)
We are a Christian homeschooling family was very blessed to live on the beautiful island of Guam for over 8 years. Now we are back on the mainland and living in Pennsylvania.
I am blessed beyond measure, my cup runneth over.
Even with the crack in my cup, the filling flows faster than the leak.
To God be all glory.

*Since it is natural to wonder how someone died, Christian's death was from drowning.
You can read about my grief journey HERE. Suffering the loss of a child can be a very lonely and painful road. If you need someone to talk to or if you have a friend that you would like me to email, please let me know. I love talking about Christian and do not want to waste this sorrow that is part of our life's story. Even if I cry, you won't be reminding me of something that I don't already think about every single day. I don't have any magical words of wisdom and cannot "fix" someone's grief... But I can be a listening ear, a praying heart, and try to encourage them in the Lord. In all of this, I can testify that God has been and will continue to be faithful. He has never forsaken me. At the end of this race, I want more than anything for Him to say "Well done, my good and faithful servant." After all, isn't that why we are still here on this earth?