Monday, August 6, 2012

2012-2013 Homeschool Curriculum

It's time for the 4th annual "Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop!

This week is all about curriculum. *swoon*

Hello, my name is Marsha and I am a curriculum junkie.

With all the new! and amazing! and fun! products that come out every year, no wonder it is hard to choose or stick with the same program each year. Even when I have chosen and purchased and planned, there is no guarantee that two weeks into the program we will decide that I was overly ambitious in the planning stage (hello, Mapping the World by Heart from last year... not!).

It will be interesting to see how our daily schedule plays out with Ian in the mix.

He is a pretty happy and easy going baby 99% of the time.
But sometimes that 1% is a doozy! :-)

AUSTIN - 13 years old, Grade 7/8

Teaching Textbooks Math 7

All American History Volume 1: The Explorers to the Jacksonians

*Science Fusion Life Science: Cells and Heredity, The Diversity of Living Things, The Human Body

Language Arts:
Wordly Wise 3000 Level 7 and Level 8
The Giggly Guide to Grammar
The Paragraph Book 2: Writing the Paragraph that Tells a Story
Daily Language Review Grade 8

Foreign Language:
**Rosetta Stone Latin Level 2

Type to Learn 4: Agents of Information
Scuba Diving

NOAH - 11 years old, Grade 6

Math U See Epsilon
Teaching Textbooks Math 7

All American History Volume 1: The Explorers to the Jacksonians

*Science Fusion Life Science: Cells and Heredity, The Diversity of Living Things, The Human Body

Language Arts:
Wordly Wise 3000 Level 6
The Giggly Guide to Grammar
The Paragraph Book 2: Writing the Paragraph that Tells a Story
Daily Language Review Grade 6

Foreign Language:
**Rosetta Stone Latin Level 2

Type to Learn 4: Agents of Information

* Just so y'all know, the science was discounted through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op. Membership is free and I have purchased programs and curriculum for 30-60% off retail price.

** I HIGHLY recommend Rosetta Stone. If you buy it through My Father's World, you will get their Daily Lessons Plans for Level 1 for free. If you can swing it financially, buy Levels 1 & 2 together as you will kick yourself later for having to pay for Level 2 by itself. It's a much better deal together.

To see what everyone else is doing this year or to join in the fun, visit the iHomeschool Network HERE.

Not Back to School Blog Hop

PS I can't leave y'all with a crying Ian!

Ahhh... that's better.


Susan said...

Yeah-checking out the typing program and the giggly guide to grammar. Thanks for sharing. I should try to blog someday too! Lol

Susan said...

Yeah-checking out the typing program and the giggly guide to grammar. Thanks for sharing. I should try to blog someday too! Lol

Tracy said...

So cute! All the boys....

Great year ahead. The deciding, buying, planning and organizing is so much more fun than the TEACHING and Grading! :)

Marcia said...

looks like you've got the year all lined up! sweet Ian there to mix it up a little!

Gwen T said...

Giggly Guide to Grammar - such a catchy title :) Will look that one up.

We also love Teaching Textbooks - my older 3 are doing it now.

Have you been happy w/ Rosetta Stone Latin? We need to start a foreign language but I keep waffling on which one to choose. We know we'll probably be overseas eventually but we just don't know where. :) I'm thinking Latin might be a good choice though because it gives the root/foundation for so many languages. Any thoughts on this?

Your Ian is just a couple months younger than our Phoebe, but she's my fussiest one yet!! (it took 8 kids to get to that extreme :) I'm always amazed at all the smiley pics you post of Ian - he seems perpetually happy! Such fun!!

Thanks for this peek - I always like getting ideas from other moms that I know have similar approaches to homeschooling!

Mama Kautz said...

Checking out the Science! Great post and yeah for Happy Ian!

michelle said...

That looks like a great line-up!

My older kids are both switching to TT full-time this year as well. I am excited for ME - no more grading long division problems!

Both pic of Ian are adorable. He's so cute when he's pouty - LOL!

May God richly bless your new school year!


Unknown said...

I am checking into the All American History. I have been trying to find an American History program that I like, Thanks. Your family is adorable.

Marsha said...

Hi, Marsha! I don't often meet someone with the same name, so it's really nice to meet you. We're using All American History this year, too. I'm really excited about it. Hope you all have a great year!

Unknown said...

I'm with Ms. Susan, I'll have to check out the Giggle Guide and type to learn. Are those leveled? I've been looking for a good computing curriculum. Thanks for sharing!

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Just so y'all know, the science was discounted through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op. I highly recommend them!

Also, since I can't figure out how to get Disqus to work and reply to each comment on here, I HIGHLY recommend Rosetta Stone. If you buy it through My Father's World (, you will get their Daily Lessons Plans for it for free. If you can swing it financially, buy Levels 1 & 2 together as you will kick yourself later for having to pay for Level 2 by itself. Much better deal together.

Sam said...

You guys are adorable! Great curriculum choices. :)

Tasha said...

Oh. My. Word. That baby is delicious! And those other two boys are some handsome fellas too!
I hope your school year gets off to a great start!

H-Mama said...

oh my lands. if only i looked as cute when unhappy as baby ian. cutie-patooties! great list, marsha. sounds like a wonderful year!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the ideas. Would this work for christian home school curriculum? Or is this considered regular curriculum?

Anonymous said...

I personally think that in our day in age, a christian home school is the best place for our kids to learn. It's difficult to even want to trust public schools to do a good job.

Anonymous said...

This was a great article I wasn't expecting to read this about christian home school. I remember when I used to baby sit I had a family that did this same thing. People thing that people that home school aren't doing there education right but I would have to say you can't judge everyone because of a couple bad educational parenting. Its great stuff!!!