The little birds trust God, for they go singing
From northern woods where autumn winds have blown,
With joyous faith their trackless pathway winging
To summer-lands of song, afar, unknown.
Let us go singing, then, and not go sighing:
Since we are sure our times are in His hand,
Why should we weep, and fear, and call it dying?
'Tis only flitting to a Summer-land.

Jesus said unto her,I am the resurrection,and the life:he that believeth in me,though he were dead,yet shall he live:And whosoever liveth and believeth in meshall never die.

Very pretty photo!
I was thinking about this just yesterday...and all the time really. So true. So very true. Ayden and Christian and living more than we are.
Love your thought that death is not dying ... this present life separates us from our forever life by just a breath. The gap between this earth & our 'forever' is but a thin veil of fragile humanity.
Oh how true and so beautiful.
I've missed stopping by Marsha.
Hope you have a blessed Sunday♥
Your photo is beautiful!
Just beautiful! The colors in that photo are gorgeous! Love you!
I need the reminder!
Thanks. I love you!
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