I need to write, post pictures, and get otherwise random things out of my head.

[ Chai Cola tastes like Christmas!]
I think in words and pictures but have been having an incredibly difficult time making them coherent enough to share.
And the more time that lapses, the more difficult it becomes.

[Boo to this syrup... even Austin noticed it had a certain sliminess to it.]
So this is me writing a little nothing just to have something out there to start the ball rolling.

What have y'all been up to?
Yay for a blog post. :) That syrup is light syrup so I wouldn't expect much from it. Is that your new espresso machine? FANCY! :) Not much going on here. I'm just sick. BLAH! Love you!
YAY! you blogged! I have missed reading all your happenings!
Isaiah's family makes their own syrup from the maple trees in their yard! I've heard its pretty awesome!
an Espresso sure does sounds really good right now! enjoy yours!
love you!
Just hanging around waiting for you to blog! LOL! Glad you are back. I am enjoying my amazing weather here in the Northland (God is so good!), teaching my online workshops to great women and reading.
As for the syrup....we keep the container and pour real maple syrup in it (so we can warm it in the microwave).
Chai Cola that tastes like Christmas!?! Now that sounds wonderful! :)
It's good to have you blogging again! Your randomness is more interesting than some people's purposeful writing! :) Glad you're doing well and I love to see those adorable pics of Ian that you post on FB.
Where can one purchase such a cola??? Been missing you and your sweet posts! Hope all is well!
Yay! It is so good to see you blogging. I totally understand how difficult it is to get going again after such a long absence--that is where I am at too. But you are right, the best thing is just to start writing.
Hope to see more of you back here.
I can't seem to write either. That cola looks yummy. And I don't know what to say about slimy syrup! LOL
Have missed you!!! Hope you are well!
Yeah, I'm hanging around waiting for you to post again too!
Syrup? Gross. We like using warmed jam or lots of butter and brown sugar....
I don't like Chai. But I do make some chai muffins that I sell to a local coffee shop that are good and gluten free too!
Neat looking espresso machine.
When's your time on Guam ending?
How's Ian doing? Are you getting any sleep?
Pennie's 13 months old tomorrow....
Love you bunches.
I get it. If it's been a long time since I wrote, then it's SO hard to get going again. Way to go getting ANYTHING up today! Yum to espresso :)
" tastes like christmas" is how my Trouble describes spice cookies. Sounds wonderful!
Love your random updates.
Honey, are you hungry? These are all about food!! :)
I am so in that place right now. I haven't written anything other than reviews for the past month and everytime I try to blog, it gets harder and harder.
I am happy for your break through, but you also have a little-bity, cute excuse for taking a break.
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