Last week was my own dear mommy's 60th birthday! We threw her a humongo birthday party that had lots of Korean food, cake, friends, all my sib's and in-law's in attendance, and even a pinata.
Weird, I know, but it was fun...and my mom looked too cute whacking that big ole bear that looked like it was strung up on a noose (in the church fellowship hall, no less!).
Here's a pic of my mom back when she was in her 20s. She was a professional singer back in the day. Beautiful, no?

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A great time was had by all, except for moi. Well, it's not that it wasn't fun but that I was SICK. Can you believe that as soon as I got there, I started feeling odd, bleh, and then just bad? Yup, the FLU. I spent the entire weekend laying on the couch and being absolutely miserable. I tried to hide it though...

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(My mom is on the left.)
So we are now back home and trying to catch up on things...School has yet to be one of them though as all three kidlets have been sick all week. *sigh* Fever, boogers, fever, coughing, fever, chest congestion, fever, boogers... But I'm so very thankful that we are finally getting better! Sitting on the couch and laying around in bed gets old after a while (I never thought I'd say that!). Besides, it makes me feel like a bum.
A couple other things wandering through my mind:
* Be sure to check out the HSB Literary Society-- aka book club! We just started our first discussion on chapters 1-3 of Ishmael by E.D,E,N. Southworth. We'd love to have y'all join the discussion!
* Have I mentioned that I love my hubby? He is the bestesterest daddy. The boys have been amusing themselves the past couple of days with a new "just because" gift from daddy. They each got their own Craftsman Tape Measure! This is right up there with the shovels we got them for Christmas one year. Besides measuring, estimating, and practicing practical math skills, you can return them to any Sears store for a free replacement! We've returned several shovels the past couple of years and had no problems getting them replaced. That's what we love about the Craftsman line of hand tools from Sears...boys can get pretty rough with their tools!
* Gena (TOSpublisher) is having a photo contest for a new e-book. Besides fame, you can also win a little fortune with a gift certificate at The Old Schoolhouse Store!
* Can anyone recommend a good cookbook for cooking light? I need normal food (no gourmet here) without too many ingredients. Needs to be family and picky hubby friendly. David's good cholesterol levels are too low and I need to adjust our diet. Actually, this is a GREAT thing since it's the exact incentive he needs to try to eat better. I am happy to report that he's been working out every day since then, though! (I'm happily cheering him on from the sidelines...while I eat my thin mints and drink my coffee that is deliciously laden with two spoons of sugar and a healthy dollop of Vanilla Almond Parfait creamer). :-)
I got a free subscription last year to Taste of Homes Cooking Light. They have really good, not gourmet recipes that are normal, but made lighter. I also have one called Family Favorites made Lighter which is really nice. It is by Better Homes and Gardens.
About the soup, the key to not burning it is to use a heavy pan, but heat your milk mixture in the microwave some before you add it to be thickened and only add it a little at a time. I used to always burn it too, but I heat most of the milk in the microwave first and that cuts it out. And have a heavy bottomed pan. When I used to make cheese, I could leave 4 gallons of milk on the stove to heat in my pan witht he thick bottom and not stir and it wouldn't burn.
Sorry you haven't been feeling well! I'll pray that it passes soon. The party looks like great fun! I love the dresses!! (and I was just thinking how practical they are. No need for maternity clothes! :-)Hehehe!) About the recipes - Have you tried Sue Gregg's cookbooks? She does 'normal' food with healthy ingredients substituted. I got some samples off the internet site and then my Aunt and Uncle got me the entire set for Christmas - YEAH!!!!! We are loving trying out several recipes. Also try reading the book 'What the Bible says about healthy living' and you can get alot of (sometimes surprising) information on staying healthy. You may be surprised at some of the things that will help with the cholesterol!
Your mom is beautiful! I wouldn't have guessed that she's 60. Happy Birthday to your mom! Sorry you've been sick. That's never fun.
What a beautiful mother you have! And what a legacy she must have with her equally beautiful daughters. Of all the special dresses/clothes that you find in Asia, the Korean dress is my favorite. I'm sure there is a name for it that I just don't know. I'd never seen them as colorful as yours, but the colors were lovely. Actually, I've never seen one that wasn't just gorgeous.
I'm with Martha I like Cooking Light from Taste of Home. I've always wanted to just by the year end book, it's about the same price as a years subscription to the magazine and I think it has all the recipes. I wonder if they have one for the Light edition as well as Taste of Home.
I hope you figured out what your little guy was trying to communicate. My second boy had an awful time trying to get his words out so some one other than mom could understand him. We both stood out side the garage bawling one afternoon, cuz he wanted me to put his new truch in the garage where it would be safe, and I wasn't getting it and me cuz I couldn't understand my precious little man. A very bad day! But we finally got through it and most people understand him just fine now. Honestly, somedays I wish he would STOP talking to me about Legos, legos, legos, makebelieve world, legos, and makebelieve world on lego island....... Most days I try to remember those days when he wasn't understood and look what God has done.
What lovely pictures!
Sorry you were sick. What a blessing to have your mom so close by.
Thanks for your visit!!!
What a BEAUTIFUL woman...and I mean inside and out. I know how much you've blogged about her giving so much of herself to her family. And, gorgeous photo of your siblings(?). Glad to hear everyone is on the mend. And, the tape measures...oh, my, your DH is setting them up as gadget guys! I see many trips to Home Depot with dad and the boys to check out drills, saws, hammers....and if they're lucky, they'll get to shop for a new mower or string trimmer. It's just a rite of passage into man and daddy hood! My DH and DS made a 3 week ritual out of buying the John Deere lawn tractor...they even bought John Deere hats...yeah, it starts with a tape measure and shovel, but it will blossom into more.....more fun!
I had no idea your mama was a singer! I love the old photographs.
Your comment about atheists on my blog... I totally agree. The ones I've met claim there is no God because He didn't answer their prayer. Next time I'm going to ask them if they believe in their parents. I'm sure they didn't always give them the things they asked for.
Abiding in the Vine!
I hope your mom had a wonderful B-Day. (0= She was a beauty and her dc take after her. That is so neat your mom was a singer. Does she still sing other than for her grandchildren ? I am so sorry you all were sick and I hope you all mend real fast and regain your strength real soon. I will have to check into the recommendations for light and easy cooking. I need some good recipes myself. (0;
Well God Bless my SSiC
In Him<><
Happy Birthday to your mother!! She was and still is beautiful!
Praying you are feeling better. How awful to feel like that at your mom's humungo party. You hid it well in your photos.
I love love love these pics! Im sorry you were not feeling well but you would never know it! You have a beautiful family!!!
Oh have fun in Cali too, I am so jealous!!! :-( I would love to go back home for a visit, maybe this summer!
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