Take tonight's creation, for example. It is simply divine.
Start with one bottle Caramel Sauce from Starbucks. It is buttery decadence in a bottle.

See? It even says so on the bottle... "Sweet. Decadent. Buttery."
I would not lie about such things.
Add Oreo cookies.

You could go generic, but why not go for the gusto?

Since we're trying to teach the cute fuzzy girl in the first picture to not suck on her fingers anymore, resist the urge to eat the caramel by itself-- at least in her presence.
If the aforementioned cutie-patootie girl sees you anyway and asks what you are doing, you have two choices. You can lie. Or you can bribe her to not tell anyone else in the house.
Because then we might have to share.

Emily really likes caramel. But not as much as she likes to suck her fingers.
(I held back a little with that cookie up there. I don't want y'all to think I'm a piggy.)

Dorking out on our laptops and creating magical recipes is the perfect way to spend an evening with my big sister.
How do you spend your evenings when visiting family?
when is someone going to blog about the big meeting? i'm waiting.
i'll take my carmel with pecans in a chocolate turtle.
I know! Someone seriously needs to get their rear in gear and post something!
I have a tummy ache.
Those were delicious! I have a feeling I won't be able to sleep well tonight. Ugh! Sooooo good though. I think I'll have another dollop.... I mean drop. :)
See, it was a good thing that FB Scrabble was refusing to cooperate with you two tonight!
I think we need a side of toothpaste to go with that caramel!
Coco, when you say you need another drop of caramel, you might as well say swig!
Kinda reminds me of I Love Lucy and the Vetavitavegamin-- all you need is right here in this little bottle...
I simply adore caramel!
I think I just got a cavity, simply from looking at that. :) But it does look good. My guilty pleasure lately is deep fried oreos.
I love getting together with family. We usually just hang out and stuff ourselves.
looks very yummy! Great photos!
i don't normally have either oreos or caramel in the house. ironically and unfortunately, right at the moment, i do. or would that be "fortunately"? this is bad, very bad...
Looks yummy! When my sister and I get together we usually pop popcorn and watch a chick flick!
oh my goodness. evil. or divine. or both?
oreos are my favorite!
Words fail me. It looks like a fast sugar high...
But I LOOOOOOOVE caramel! I did admit to ya'll the other day that I do by the huge bottles of Torani caramel at Cash and Carry......I looove me some caramel!
I wouldn't have thought of that one though...
Next, try putting peanut butter between to Ritz crackers and dipping them in melted chocolate chips. Put them on wax paper and chill them for about 30 minutes.
Oh yeah baby!
Goofy, but yum!
Oh. My. Goodness. YUM! I will make sure to have Oreos and Starbucks caramel sauce here at Christmas--I know Aubs will like it, too! I'm so jealous--wish I could be there! Love you :)
I facebooked it. ;) Love the drippy smile.
oreos sound really good... wish we had some... oreos with sisters is the best tho!
glad you had such a yummy time! :)
Salivating. Thanks.
I hope my girls grow up to enjoy the same "dorky" things that you do with your sis.
Aw, I wish I had a sister to make concoctions with.
That looks so yummy!
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