And even if we didn't have all that, look how stinkin' CUTE they are in their uniforms! :)
If my boys heard me say that out loud, they would give me this look:

I think it's contagious.

Maybe I should've made myself a hidden camera instead. The fake smiles and real smirks can be a bit discouraging sometimes. I'm glad they can't be on smile-avoiding-duty 24/7.

I think it's contagious.

Maybe I should've made myself a hidden camera instead. The fake smiles and real smirks can be a bit discouraging sometimes. I'm glad they can't be on smile-avoiding-duty 24/7.

Oh! Thank y'all for giving me your input on which picture to send to Great Grandma. I think it was almost unanimous that the no-teeth picture is the keeper, er sender... you know what I mean.
I am such a big dork for snickering every time someone wrote "I like no teeth!" *snort*
I am such a big dork for snickering every time someone wrote "I like no teeth!" *snort*
These pictures were taken at SHAC Jam, which stands for Sam Houston Area Council Jamboree, this past Saturday. We drove in for the day, joining over 22,000-- yes, that is twenty two THOUSAND-- other people in a slew of outdoor activities, displays, crafts, and even a world record setting rocket launch!
(Nope, I didn't film it.)
It was fun, but I'm glad it's over. Hot, dusty, and did I mention the whole 22,000 people thing? I am such a pansy when it comes to crowds.
So, is your family a part of Scouting? Were you ever a Scout (boy, girl, brownie, cub)? Do you have a cure for the camera smirk?
They are sooooooo cute in their uniforms. :) I love it! Noah has that "I'm too cool for pictures" look down.
I love the camera smirk. But my cure for the camera cheesy smiles is to have a long lens handy for candid shots.
Your boys look like such MEN in their uniforms. Tell them that and I'll bet they'll suddenly stand taller. (It's so cute when they do that, but don't tell them they're "cute," of course, or you'll have that first look again).
Noah has commented that he really likes to wear his uniform because people give him respect when he's wearing it! :)
Hate that we missed this. Sounds like the boys would have loved it. We'll miss the camp out too. But we're having a blast in Hawaii.
Oh my. They DO look adorable! I kinda like the smirks, too. sweet! I LOVE Scouts in their uniforms!
Alex is a Webelo. He will move up to Boy Scouts in the Spring.
We just attended a Push Cart race with the scouts. It was a blast. I am hoping to post pictures on my blog soon.
P.S. I haven't had to worry about the "smirk" yet, just because Alex LOVES the camera (for now).
"MOM! Take my picture!!"
Micah has always told me MEN don't like to be called cute... call us DANGEROUS! :) saying that as you snap the shot might get a couple real smiles ;)
Men in uniform sure look dangerous!
amy in peru
oh and did I say that I think that is like ULTRA cool that the brim of his cap says celebrating the adventure?! I think even Micah would like a cap just like that... ;)
it's all part of his thing... :)
amy in peru {again}
We spent 13 years active in Boy Scouts and we seem to buy even more popcorn now. I can't turn down those adorable cub scouts with tables outside of the grocery store.
I don't tell my kids to smile. I make a funny face or say a funny word to try for real smiles.
I'm not too proud to cross my eyes and snort like a pig.
Yep, I was a Brownie and later a Girl Scout....And I STILL remember the pledge we had to say with three fingers held up!! Yes, my memory isn't totally fried!
The smirks? Love them. I mean, Austin looks like he heard you say how cute he looked!! Did you say that to him??
Also, my brother was a Cub and later a Boy Scout. He went on to the Navy League when he was 12 or so. It was an effort to keep us kids who went home to empty houses after school out of trouble. For me, it worked, for him, not so much.....
Take Care!!
My cousins are scouts... one just received his Eagle Scout this year. What an awesome celebration that was! Their dad (my uncle) is an Eagle Scout and the troop leader. They are always doing something cool! Such an awesome thing to be part of growing up... and they learn so much! That video is NEAT!! :)
Sadly, no we are not a scouting family. I haven't been able to find one close enough to us and I am too lazy, er, busy to drive across town. It looks like a lot of fun though.
Sorry, no cure in sight here.
Definitely stinkin' cute in those uniforms:) We never did scouts but my son could totally rock his karate ghee!
I absolutely love the smirks. It shows so much of their personality that most pics won't show. Of course I like the normal smiley one's too (just not the fake "here's mom & the camera again" smile)!
your boys are so cute! i hope my little man joins scouts one day.
looking forward to meeting you at relevant:)
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