+ I am going through Lulu withdrawal. I keep wondering what she's doing. Is she missing her Marshy-Eemo?

+I am also going through yummy-non-casserole-food withdrawal (I miss that sushi!). There aren't many cities where you can walk a matter of blocks and find cuisine from all over the world. The closest eating establishments to my house here in semi-suburbia Texas is the Church's Fried Chicken that is part of the corner gas station (adjacent to the tatoo parlor and donut palace) and Myrtle's Country Cooking (formerly Ray's BBQ, formerly some Mexican dive, formerly someone's house).
+When I grow up, I want to be like Ruthanne. I already have this bag... just like she does. She wrote a great review about it on her blog recently. It's perty. And it makes me happy.

+And now I've gone and signed up for the same Home Ec online sewing class for beginners. It's online and you have a year to complete the 26 projects at your own pace. Anyone else want to do this with us?
Copying is the highest form of flattery, Ruthie! It's NOT CREEPY. (much?)
+Have you seen my rhyming and robot skillz over at HOTM today? I have no shame.
+Speaking of HOTM, Heart of the Matter's Online Homeschool Conference begins on Monday. As in this coming Monday! As in three days from now Monday!
And I have a few tickets to give away!
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment with "ticket please" tossed in there somewhere.
I'll pick five winners sometime on Saturday and email y'all. (Why do I wait so late to do my yearly giveaway?) If you already have a ticket, you may give your winning ticket away to a friend. It's more fun with friends, right?
+The End.
I surely bet you're having Lulu withdrawls. I can't wait to see her! It's been 5 months.... FIVE MONTHS! Next month I'll see her and then the waiting for the next time I get to see her will begin. *sigh*.
Love your bag! Great pic of it too. TOTALLY loved your poem and your robot skillz. :P I love you!
How do you do that sewing class? I recently bought a machine, but haven't even filled my bobbins yet. :/
Ooh, fun stuff! "ticket please"
Sweet baby, sweet bag, sweet times!
that's a great picture! you signed up for the class? ruthanne tried to get me to do it. sewing just isn't that fun for me.
Online Home Ec class?? **Gasp**
I may be doing that with you!
And, oh yeah, ticket please :)
Sweet!! "Ticket please??"
Lulu's rolls are so cute! I wanna squish them!
So, you really love the bag? DO you carry it all around with you like Ruthanne does? Or just when you need to have your camera with you? Or is that all the time? I'd say tickets but I fear I may not have time to sit and listen to all the great speakers. My life is that crazy! I'd sign up for that sewing class too but I fear I may not have enough time and I have too many hobbies. Otherwise it would be really fun to do that with ya'll.
I just came over from HOTM and LOVE your blog!!! I would love to be able to "go" to the online conference so TICKET PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Ohh.. Home Ec class sounds like so much fun! Wish I had the time... I am such a beginner!! ;)
That bag... oh my... *gorgeous*.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I'm totally in need of some TICKETS!! I am so glad that I got back online JUST in time!! ;)
miss you.
amy in peru
I will have to check into that home ec class...anyway, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win a ticket for the conference!!!
I'm not sure if I missed the time...ticket please, but in case I did...ticket please, then it was fun writing this anyway.
I wish I could take that course!! I have a barely used machine that I get only a bunched up mess of thread on the plate when I try to sew! Bleh!
TICKET here! Forgot with the last post. :/
oh man! i hope I'm not too late! i'd love some tickets!
Oh yes, "ticket please" That would be lovely!
The sewing course looks wonderful too.
I'm off to check out your skillz on HOTM!
You totally cracked me up about the Church's/gas station/donut place/tattoo parlor!!
Stopping by to say hi from Mingle Monday!
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