Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My niece and nephew

Why is it that people say niece and nephew but not nephew and niece? I guess it flows easier with niece first for some reason. But I digress.

I just wanted to share a picture of my nephew and my niece with y'all. Nephew first because he's older and I'm just used to putting the oldest child's name first when I'm writing. You can blame my older sister for that.

Anyhoo! These pics were taken by my sister on Easter Sunday. I've been playing around with my new Photoshop Elements and tweaked them ever so slightly.

This is Benjamin. We call him BenBen (we as in the boys and I). He is a month younger than Dozer and love sticks. He is a true BOY.

My sister and I grew extra-super-dee-duper close when we were prego at the same time. It was so nice to have someone to talk to twenty million times a day about big bellies, feeling tired, FOOD, puking and all the other fun prego stuff. My other non-mommy (so far) sisters would've disowned me before the end of my first trimester-- or at least blocked my calls!

Back to BenBen now... BenBen speaks very clearly and has beautiful hair. He and Dozer are great buddies. I really wish we were neighbors. (HINT HINT)

This is Emily. Em is almost 2 years old. So far, she is the only niece in the familia. She is woefully outnumbered by my three boys plus her brother. I think she likes it that way though.

Needless to say, with all her aunt's and their penchant for retail therapy (I've got three sisters and a brother) she is always fashionably and beautifully dressed. I don't know what it is about that funny face she's making, but I just LOVE it!

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