Back in the old days, I remember the ensuing hullabaloo when purple horseshoes were added to the mix. How could they even think of changing the classic marshmallow composition like that?!
But they did.
Then they massacred the recipe even more when they added more...

Three weeks of Lucky Charms for a bedtime snack inspired me to conduct a possibly frightening quasi-quackish-scientific experiment.

CONCLUSION: I hereby conclude that Lucky Charms is healthier than my initial supposition. Consumption of said cereal at the Drews house may continue.

To make matters worse, they are trying to distract us with phrases like "Good source of calcium and vitamin D" and "whole grains."

Three weeks of Lucky Charms for a bedtime snack inspired me to conduct a possibly frightening quasi-quackish-scientific experiment.
Just call me a health nut.
QUESTION: What is the marshmallow to cereal ratio in a typical bowl of Lucky Charms Cereal?
QUESTION: What is the marshmallow to cereal ratio in a typical bowl of Lucky Charms Cereal?

HYPOTHESIS: Approximately 8 years ago, I conducted a similar test with Frankenberry Cereal. My hypothesis is that Lucky Charms will yield similar results of a 50/50 ratio of marshmallows to cereal.

(Note to self: Do not audition to be a hand model unless it's for a robot hand.)
(Post-note to self: Be weary of saying or writing all of your spontaneous thoughts out loud lest people think ye are whacko.)
EXPERIMENT: Carefully separate the marshmallows from the "whole grain" cereal pieces, while exercising great caution as to not eat the materials.

Hmmm... I wonder which bowl is hiding the "calcium and vitamin D"???

Halfway through the bowl, the ratio is neck and neck.

DATA ANALYSIS: My family's typical bowl of Lucky Charms contains more cereal than marshmallows.

It's a lifestyle of learning, y'all.
And you thought Saturday nights at my house would be boring! I bet you are totally kicking yourself right now.
LOL I always loved trying to eat just the marshmallows before the ceral. :P
i really dislike lucky charms. i hate marshmallows. unless they are warm and smooshy inside a smore or melty inside a rice crispie treat.
Haha how funny. I have only had Lucky Charms like once in my life. I would prefer an even healthier alternative of frosted flakes, but that's just me. :) Glad you had fun.
BTW, Hannah asked me if it was catfood at first... looks little like it. Tho I would venture to guess catfood is a little healthier than that! :) LOL
love and hugs!!!
LOL. You are so funny!
haha! how funny! I used to just pick out the marshmallows cause the cereal is yucky! :P wish there were more marshmallows!
But my favorite cereal is cocopuffs or the Reese's pieces cereal... not that I eat either one tho! :P
Love you!
Umm, I just love you to pieces, Marshymellow! I'm so happy you're my sister :)
Bobo- ha! that sounds like you are patting me on the head while thinking "bless your little heart"... that's my big sister all right... poor thing.
Too funny! I enjoyed reading that.
My kids think I am traumatizing them for life for not buying Lucky Charms. They seem to forget that I do buy all the other cereals they like--Trix, Cocoa Puffs, Cocoa Pebbles, etc. I just don't buy Lucky Charms because they only eat the marshmallows.
However, every St. Patrick's day a leprachaun leaves a box of Lucky Charms for them. =)
I am really a Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal girl myself. Oh and I really like Kellogg's Raisin Bran.
The 6 boxes of Lucky Charms were consumed by the males in this household.
We were at the amish grocery store last week and discovered that they sell just the marshmallows for Lucky Charms there! I never dreamed that some people would buy just the marshmallows, but maybe they like their marshmallow to cereal ratio a little higher. Ha!
I've never liked Lucky Charms. I like the cereal fine but don't like the marshmallows. I know I'm weird. Just hurts my teeth thinking about it. Love you!!!
I noticed they really shrunk the word marshmallow too. That sounds like a fun night the boys will never forget. And you are a way cool mom, my mom wouldn't let us have cereal with marshmallows or cookie crisp, since cookies should not be for breakfast. Our Grandma would buy them when we slept over there ;P And now she is a grandma and lets my kids eat cookies for breakfast LOL
Michelle-- you are SO observant! I didn't even notice that. Humph... the deception and lies... next thing you know, they are going to say that it reduces cavities!
Ha! Why is cereal so expensive? I've always been a toast, bagel, English muffin, breakfast girl...Go CARBS!
Funny stuff! When I ate Lucky Charms as a kid, which would have been rarely, I would eat the cereal first saving the marshmellows for last. I wouldn't let Peyton eat cereals like that but his grandma bought him some Capn Crunch once. I would let him have it has a snack. There was some left in his bowl with a little bit of milk, several hours later it had dissolved to nothing. What was in that stuff!!! Thanks for the laugh this morning.
You made me laugh .... I would never have thought of doing that! AWWWWWW ....Send me a box so that I can give my opinion!!! I've never seen or tasted those things! My kids would go wild for them.
Whew! What a relief! I guess I'll just have to add Lucky Charms to my grocery list next week, what with it being so healthy and all.
Thank you for all you do in the name of science and learning. You are an inspiration, I tell you!
Oh the things we do on our weekend evenings after we have kids...
Gotta keep yourself entertained somehow, and why not do it while LEARNING something! Way to go!
When I was a young 16 yr old, incredibly mature babysitter (ha!) I ate all the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms box after the kids went to bed! Now isn't that the kind of responsible babysitter you want for your children?! Despite my lack of maturity, the Lord still blessed me with seven beautiful children. And they only get to have Lucky Charms (or Walmart brand - Marshmallow Mateys) once a week! : )
You know - I haven't had Lucky Charms in YEARS! I loved that cereal and now that I know it's healthy . . . I'll totally have to buy some for my crew! :D
(Very belated) P.S. I left you an award on my blog:
Only you could make the random thoughts in ones brain look so darn good!
; 0 )
I never liked the marshmallows in Lucky Charms.
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