(Ack. Now I have this song stuck in my head. I'm sorry for forcing the thought of it on you.)

(Noah's "ugly face")
I was a bit apprehensive when they left on Monday to drive to Louisiana. The thought of all those news stories of this youth group or that sports team getting into an accident on their way to some camp or tournament started creeping into my head. Since I am determined to not live in fear, I did the only thing I could do-- pray!
With phone calls not being allowed at camp, I figured no news was good news. Wednesday night I found out that they had a blowout on the way to camp. Praise the Lord that my friend was able to keep the van on the road, get off the highway and even limp along to a service station!
I will admit that when I first heard those words, a panic started rising up in my chest and I began to cry. Yup, I pretty much freaked out inside. We already know that nobody that is ever born is immune to death. And we know that tragedy can strike any family-- and even more than once. We're all in the process of dying right now.
We do not have to be fearful, we just have to be ready.
Because it doesn't stop there, y'know.
Death is not dying, it is just the beginning.

It is very good to have Austin and Noah back home. At their age, it is rather easy-going at our house on a regular basis. Read: Date night (or week) is not a big deal or as necessary as it was when they were tots. David and I really missed them.
We couldn't help but think what this week would've been like with just Christian around. He would've been soaking up all the one-on-one attention! And we would've thoroughly enjoyed lavishing it on him.
I can't wait for our whole family to be reunited again one day.
Then it will really be home sweet HOME!
Will your home be sweet one day? It is only through the saving grace of Jesus Christ that we can be assured of our home in Heaven. Make sure you know where your home will be. And be sure to share the roadmap with those you love (and even those that aren't your favorites).
My parents are visiting from CA and the other day, the two big kids were gone and my Dad commented on how quiet the house would be. I thought he was joking because they are no longer work, but simple a joy to have around and when they are gone, I miss them! So I can empathize.
I was going to email you because I was overcome with a need to pray for you today, around 2 my time. So I did. :-) A lot. I hope you all are enjoying your day and I am so glad that N & A are home safe.
You have such amazing strength Marsha. I know it comes from the Lord! Your relationship with the Lord shines brightly by the strength you show.
You are a blessing!!
I just had to say...I don't think Noah is capable of an ugly face. Even his ugly faces are adorable! LOVE the big tooth smile. :)
PTL! You are one amazing woman shining HIS strength through your faith and obedience. Thank you for the continued reminders of praying over fear.
You are strong and full of faith! I wish we had more date nights, but am thankful for the little ones that keep us from them!
Thanks so much, Marsha, for sharing with us your strength and perspective. As always you bring glory to our heavenly Father by letting His light show through you.
Funny thing Marsha. Since my son was born, I live in fear..horrible I know..but like you...all I can do is pray. Thank you for this post..a true Blessing tonight! And no wonder you were rather quiet on here..the boys were gone.. :D
Too late, the song popped into my head as soon as I saw it on the blog reader :)
I love how bold you are. I hope someone out there receives the message loud and clear.
Connie- Before the boys left, I literally cleaned and organized the house for 2 weeks. So I had lots of time but just didn't feel like writing. Okay, I'm going to stop now bc no matter what I say, it comes out ummm... funny? LOL
Um yeah....Christian would totally have been all over soaking up the one on one attention. :P Glad the boys made it back safely. And that face Noah is making is pretty ugly. Such a cute boy though. :) As for living in fear, about a month ago we were driving up to Mt. Hood and talking about what if it blew it's top while we were there. I told Jason that the thought didn't scare me because I know that we would all be together still. That peace is so wonderful and I don't know how people can live without it. I'm glad we'll all be together forever one day. If we lose each other for a brief moment, it would be sad, but it wouldn't be the end. I love you, Marshy!!!
I am such a worrier too, I am constantly reminding myself that it is all in God's hands no matter what happens, and that He knows me and wouldn't allow anything to happen that I couldn't handle. After all really at its worst either we live or we die, and with Jesus dying physically is only to live in heaven- and who could consider that a bad thing?!! So really there is nothing to fear if we know Him!
Thanks for your encouraging words! Glad your boys are back safe and sound!
I was thinking about you this morning and when I went to my reader, there you were. Glad everything went fine while the boys were away.
I am ready for all the family reunions in Heaven!!!
aw coco. :sniff: it IS a brief moment, isn't it? even when the days and weeks are unbearably long, it is our perspective that is off. when we keep our eyes on God, it starts shifting back into its proper place.
i love you SO much!
I agree with you on Date Night not being as necessary as when they were younger. We kind of forget that we have the freedom to leave ours at home now and go do something alone!
I went through the same thing when ours went to camp (three week before last and one last week) worrying about them getting there safe. I sooo do not want to live in fear because I know where fear comes from. It is something I really struggle with though.
Oh Marsha NO, Sorry I didn't mean your post was funny..I meant me and my situation...I THINK I wrote it wrong..I meant the funny thing is that since Santiago was born I live in fear..when I thought it would be the other way around carefree and fun... sorry for the misunderstanding.... :D And I totally understand you about not feeling like writing...I feel like that often...
Oh Connie, no worries! I thought no such thing. I know what you meant and it is all good, my friend! :)
Oh....hehehe, got it. Lol.
You are an inspiration to me. I know God is using you in this life to speak to so many.
What a glorious day your family reunion will be!!
Hi Marsha.
Did you make the jump to your own website or is this eblogger? Loved catching up on your blog tonight and loved the dog photo. It would have won for me for sure.
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