It has treasure in it.

It's a different sort of treasure.

It's a different sort of treasure.
It does not gleam like gold, neither does it sparkle like diamonds.
While you can carry it, there is no earthly means of measuring the weight or value that it brings.
This is my box of paper encouragement. Two precious years worth.

It's not just paper, not just a stack of cards in that wooden box...

These are heart words that I can hold in my hand.
From neighbors down the street, states on both coasts and countries far away, they have lifted my spirits and encouraged my soul during the most trying time of my life.
THANK YOU for that, my caring friends! When I look at the chest of cards, I am overwhelmed by your love and kindness. You will never know just how much your cards and letters have meant to me.
I know people complain about the rising cost of postage stamps, but don't underestimate the power of that stamp. You can send a hug across the whole wide world with that little square!
And it's a hug you can touch and hold over and over again.

I sent out my own handful of paper encouragement today.
They are more than just words of appreciation for a close friend, more than just comforting words to hearts broken by grief, more than a reminder to the lonely that a friend is thinking of them... it's a prayed-over piece of me reaching out to precious souls that I love.
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
September 12th is the National Day of Encouragement. Look around you, open your eyes and find someone that you can lift up in prayer and with words of compassion and friendship.
Heartfelt words and a little stamp can go a very long way, my friends.
Where will you send your paper encouragement?
*I received a complimentary pack of cards from DaySpring and {in}courage, some of which you can see in that picture up there. Their new Hope and Encouragement line of cards is AMAZING(!!!) and available now at stores like Family Christian and Lifeway. When I would read each card, so many of them were simply perfect for the friends I had in mind!
I use to be so good about sending out thank you cards, thinking of you cards, etc. I need to do better. I know I have a lot of people in my life who need encouragement or just a word saying that I'm thinking of and praying for them. I love you, Marshy! It lifts my spirits when I get a little card in the mail from you saying you're just thinking of me. They ALWAYS come at just the right moment.
No card for you this week, Coco. Because I get to see you in person!!! Woohooooo!
What a beautiful post! :) Thanks for sharing!!
I am trying to do better with this. Cards do mean a lot, and I mean to send them much more than I actually send them. I pray for you daily. Have a blessed Sunday.
stopping by from (in)courage!! what a great post! i love how you shared all the cards you've saved over the years. wasn't that card pack amazing??
Stopping by from (in)courage. Great post. Cards are amazing ways to send a hug across the world. I love that.
Marsha, I have a box like that too.
I actually thought I had lost all of my cards from the most trying time of my life (2004) but guess what? I was out in our storage container one day just puttering around, and I saw this huge bundle of what looked like cards.....
It was the cards that loving, kind, caring prayer warriors had sent me during that dark and wrenching time.
It blessed my beyond measure to find them.
I love to make cards for others and send them.
I love that I now have my cards from that year. I love to read them over and over.
Good post!
I'm over from (in)courage and your words are absolutely beautiful! I, like you, treasure the cards that I've received although my box isn't as cool as yours! ;)
Thanks for writing about this great opportunity they gave us and in such a beautiful way.
"...don't underestimate the power of that stamp."
Greatness :)
Thanks for sharing!!
I, too, received the beautiful cards from Incourage. I, too, loved sending them out. I, too, have a box of special encouragement cards that I have saved. After seeing your pictures though, I think I need a prettier box for my special words of the heart! I enjoyed reading your article!
Marsha -
I get encouragement from you everytime I visit your blog or see you on Twitter! You are such a blessing to so many!
Hugs and love to you!
I'm sure your handful of paper encouragement is going to mean SO much to those receiving them. How sweet! I love it!! :)
Loved your post on paper encouragement, and enjoyed reading how you were encouraged by them at one time or another. :) Your description of a card really touched me. Blessings to you.
I'm amazed at the comments I get from people who I send a hand-written note. Such thankfulness for being remembered.
I don't do near as much writing as I used to, but this post of yours is such a good reminder. Technology has steam-rolled over this basic art which can be so meaningful. Thanks for this wonderful reminder, Marsha!
Hi Marsha,
Saw your name on the (in) courage site. I enjoyed reading your post and how you saved your cards. I also save cards--and sometimes look through them.
I was blessed to receive the pack of cards as well and posted a link on the (in) courage site, too.
Blessings of Encouragement to you,
How neat that you have a special box that you keep them in. I LOVE handwritten card or note. I save mine too. I always tell my husband that it is a big deal to me for him to get me cards on mothers day or my birthday or anniversary. Getting mail too is such a novelty anymore. I hope it doesn't disappear either.
Marsha- I enjoyed reading your comment! It's awesome how you have saved your cards over the years, I'm sure that just made the day of those who sent them to you! Glad you like the cards!
Mandy @ Dayspring
Oh, we should never underestimate the power of the written word, especially when it comes from the heart, should we? I have my own treasure box full of cards from friends and family that are all so dear to me. I also love to keep the little notes and drawings that my little guys give me. Even the dreariest of days can be brightened by a crayon-colored page full of stick figures and plastered with "I love you, Mom!" Love it!
Too precious!
My girls love to make and send letters and cards. Their birthday cards sometimes take days to make and I will treasure them forever. These days sms and emails are kind and caring, but lost in cyber space. There is a need to real cards.
Thanks for sharing!
I so appreciated being on the receiving end! Thank you, friend, for your love and encouragement.
Grace and Peace,
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