We have a plethora of chairs in this house. The first one I would like you to meet is my blue chair.
Hello, beautiful!

I love it, y'all!

I love it, y'all!
Although it's not quite as comfy as a la-z-boy (did I spell that right?*), it is soft and pretty and pretty and pretty.
Did I mention that it's pretty?
This is my first real piece of girly furniture ever. I was able to pick what *I* wanted without having to consult anyone else or worry if it was too feminine or flowery or whatever. Woot woot!
It's a far cry from the maroon pleather couch set that we had when we were first married.
Did I mention that it's pretty?
This is my first real piece of girly furniture ever. I was able to pick what *I* wanted without having to consult anyone else or worry if it was too feminine or flowery or whatever. Woot woot!
It's a far cry from the maroon pleather couch set that we had when we were first married.
Does that make you cringe just thinking about it? What if I told you that the aforementioned maroon pleather set was accompanied by a fine set of smoked glass and brass trimmed coffee and end tables? Does it make you love the pleather set more or love it less?
We sure have come a LONG way in the past 14 years. Too bad I don't have a pic of that pleather set... or maybe that's a good thing.
We sure have come a LONG way in the past 14 years. Too bad I don't have a pic of that pleather set... or maybe that's a good thing.
Looks can be deceiving when it comes to chairs. Take this chair for example.

It looks nice and functional. But what good is a chair if it is without a doubt the.most.uncomfortable.chair.on.the.planet?
Finally, we have this sad sad sad sad sad piece.

You can tell by the magnitude of its ugliness that it is the most comfortable chair in the house. Why must it be so ghastly to merit exile?
Do you have a favorite chair? Do you like it because it is pretty or because it is comfortable? Do you want to come over and take this ugly chair off my hands? (just don't tell David.)
* The irony of this is that I didn't catch my typo of asking "did I spell that write?" until right before I hit publish!
I ADORE your blue chair. :) The uncomfortable chair is even pretty. That recliner is very sad looking but also looks VERY comfortable. It doesn't look as sad as our recliner though. Oh, and I definitely remember your furniture when you first got married. :P I can't wait to see YOUR new room. I love you!
If I were buying a chair it would have to be balanced between the pretty and the comfy! I like your blue chair, SO cute.
When we bought our first brand new living room set, I wanted to exclude just one piece from the set- it may have matched and looked good, but the arms are wood- how is that comfy??!! But my husband insisted on getting it, so we did, but it is the lonely chair that almost never gets used- just sits in the corner, waiting for us to have an over abundance of guests over, so the seating arrangement will spill off the couch and chaise and using it will become necessary!
I literally laughed out loud when I scrolled down to your poor marshmallow puff chair... I can see why it warranted five sads... It was just such a shock after your beautiful blue chair;)
We had futon furniture when we got married... it was ok for a year or two but then it was so hard I could hardly sit on it long enough to watch a movie. But we were young and in love so it didn't matter, right? And our tables had fancy smoked glass too. I can happily say that our chairs are comfy now and not to hard on the eyes either.
talk about typo issues..." not too hard on the eyes":)
I haven't a comfortable chair in the house, doggone it, or the $ to buy one anytime soon (I'd choose your blue one!), but I do have a chair in a good spot -- right by the window in our bedroom, tucked into the corner you can't see from the doorway, so it makes for a great hiding spot when I want to write or read or watch dappled light on the windowsill.
I WANT the ugly chair. :) I want a whole living room full of OVER STUFFED furniture. It is my life-long goal! :) My furniture is so uncomfortable. I want something I can practically sink to the floor in. :)
Maybe when my kids get a little bigger I will go with something comfy AND pretty. :)
Love, love, LOVE your blue chair - LOVE IT!!
As far as your sad, sad, sad chair ... we used to have one very similar that was maroon. You and I must be from the same era!! It probably didn't help that my Hubs is an Aggie! He's says that's not why he liked the chair ... but I think maybe!
Girl Your house is gorgeous, and yes the chair is very pretty- and NO I have an equally just as ugly chair sitting in my living as your tan one.. the difference between yours and mine is My Noah at age two decided to take a black permanent marker to mine.. so I bet mine is much uglier!!(haha)
I have missed your smiling words this week!
I do have a favorite chair AND it happens to be the prettiest chair in the house. It's my big, brown leather chair and ottoman that was made to have the *rustic* look. I paid out the wazoo for rustic look. Hubby never has understood why we had to pay so much for a chair that looks old. *snort*
Blue chair is so pretty... my fave color! Ugly chair has David's name all over it... surely its hiding in the 'dark" room! I have no room for chairs :(
ooh. I must say the blue does look delicious! I think the uncomfortable one LOOKS good... I'd be tempted, but as you said, looks aren't everything when it comes to chairs (or people for that matter ;)
We have lots of very uncomfortable chairs. I mean it's shocking the lack of comfortable seating around here. Just ask my mom, she was here for 3 weeks and really felt it! I almost feel like doing a post on them... but then people might think we were trying to make them feel sorry for us. hahahah!
I love your chairs... all of them are a step up from hard wood! ;)
amy in peru
THIS is the most comfortable chair in the house. Us chicks fight over it. You can't see the TV from it, it's just a perfect spot to curl up and read a book.
I only have one chair. My goodwill chair with the wooden arms that I re did. I don't like it. It isn't comfortable. We finally bought a sofa but we need two more chairs. I have been looking but I have had a hard time finding them. I really want a plush mama chair that is frilly and soft and comfy. I love your blue chair. I'm afraid of color be use I am so fickle.
I absolutely LOVE your blue chair!! I have a sitting room/office off of my master bedroom and I am painting it a similar blue. Your chair would go beautifully in there!! I am looking for me a chair now. I hope I find one as beautiful as yours.
I love your blue chair! And that ugly chair is still a huge step up from the brass and glass and maroon pleather madness that you married into :)I would love to pick out a beautiful and comfy chair, but Aubs just bought new living room furniture before he met me. So even though it is as uncomfortable as sin we cannot part with it until enough time has passed to be considered practical. Soooo....we've been using the den more with the ugly, yet comfy, hunter green leather couch from the beginning of the millenium. One day I will get my room with all the beautiful things that I don't have to ask his opinion on. At least that's my hope :)
I'd take it off of your hands if you lived closer. In my eyes, furniture is better of comfy than pretty. Just throw a pretty blanket over it that matches your decor and you have pretty and comfy making the chair PRETTY COMFY! Ha!
Absolutely LOVE the blue chair - could use one exactly like it in my living room! Oh, goodness - you had me remembering furniture I hadn't thought about it years! (that shrimp colored couch..yes shrimp colored! and the brass and glass cocktail table set) Oh boy. I suppose there is some merit to the fact that furniture is not made to last forever:) HA -thanks for the memories (well, I guess!)
the blue chair is wonderful. i love it! i have an ugly lazboy. we cannot get rid of it because my husband loves it (i hate to admit it, but i do too). it's the most comfortable chair in the house. it also has the most stains, including paint stains because i sat in it after i painted my bedroom.
oh that blue chair is sooo pretty! I think I love it too. :)
That recliner - OH MY - definitely comfy looking, and not that ugly. ;)
I have a green recliner similar to it. It's perfect for me. I've got it broken in just right - fits my butt to a 'T' LOL Hubby hates it. Says it's uncomfortable..I say oh well TOO BAD!
OOOO, I LOVE Your blue chair! And believe it or not we have a comfy one that is even UGLIER! Kid you not. But we were newly married, poor, and unfortunately it IS comfy....hence, it lives on. (Perhaps if I'm really lucky, the movers dropped it in the Panama Canal!)
Your chairs are lovely, but your bookshelf in the background made my heart go (an envious) pit-a-pat! That is my home-making dream!
I agree with Tasha. The bookshelf is the bomb! We just got a wall sized cubicle bookshelf and I'm loving it.
My favorite thing is the bookcase behind the beautiful blue chair!!! Ahhhh! I love books and the bookcases that house them. Weird, huh?
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