Friday, July 3, 2009

The very long week

To keep the very long week from turning into a very long (and dull) post, here is a quick rundown of the past week:

- This past Friday, Austin and Noah attended a very special bereavement camp for children called Camp Agape. Not only did they have fun with all the activities (swimming, kayaking, horseback riding, archery), but they saw that they are not alone in their grief. I might have to make a whole separate post about this camp-- it was that good.

The boys really enjoyed their time at Camp Agape and were able to work through many of their emotions concerning Christian's death. They are also still talking about how much they enjoyed their buddies for the weekend. So Dennis and Phil, if you happen to be reading this, THANK YOU for taking the time to care for my boys. You have impacted them positively during a very difficult time in their lives. I don't think they will ever forget you!

- We can take comfort that Death is Not Dying.

- This past week also marked the passing from this life into eternal life for a good friend of ours-- Zared Zajicek. He was seriously injured when he fell through a roof. He is survived by his sweet bride April (they were married in May), amazing parents, four sisters, one brother and many friends. I could say so much about Zared and his family-- how they have been such a blessing to David and I over the years, how much we will miss Zared and how our hearts are heavy with sorrow for his family. And yet I have no words. It's like they are all somehow crammed into my heart and I can't get them to come out. *sigh*

You can read more about him at If you feel led, please make a contribution to help April with her living expenses until she can sort out the next step in her life.

- The morning of Zared's funeral, my husband David woke up with a tremendous pain in his upper abdomen and chest. He was really hurting, y'all! I rushed home, saw that he had been vomiting since 8am, and took him to the ER.

After an insufferable wait, ECG, ultrasound and CAT scan, they determined that it was his appendix. It is hard to believe that they could take that out laporoscopically! Three little incisions and that poisonous thing was removed. The good thing about that kind of surgery is that it is not only fairly routine nowadays, but you get immediate relief from the pain. We are so glad to be home now and very thankful for modern medicine and health insurance!

- I am so happy that my mom and dad came to visit! I really am blessed with wonderful parents and in-law's.

I was hoping to make this witty and interesting. Oh well. I think just getting it all written out without falling asleep was an accomplishment in and of itself!

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