However, there is one picture that is a favorite of mine. You may have seen this as my avatar in various places.

That day is so clear in my mind. We were killing time in the parking lot of the athletic club where Austin and Noah were participating in a class for homeschoolers.

That day is so clear in my mind. We were killing time in the parking lot of the athletic club where Austin and Noah were participating in a class for homeschoolers.
Christian and I sang songs, had a snack, and goofed around together-- just the two of us for an hour and a half!
Do you want to see a few more pictures from that day?

Christian decided to plop himself in the back row where the big boys usually sat and said he was ready to go.
Do you want to see a few more pictures from that day?

One-on-one time always brings out the best in their personalities!

Christian decided to plop himself in the back row where the big boys usually sat and said he was ready to go.
Ha! He knew the car doesn't start if you aren't in your carseat.
But he tried anyway. Always wondering how far that grin was going to get him...

What a great time we had that day! I don't know why I decided to bring my old Kodak along, but I'm sure glad I did. It's nice to have photographs to go along with a memory.
I take that back. I do know why I had my camera with me that day.

What a great time we had that day! I don't know why I decided to bring my old Kodak along, but I'm sure glad I did. It's nice to have photographs to go along with a memory.
I take that back. I do know why I had my camera with me that day.
We serve such a loving and merciful God. He is so wonderful to us to remind of us things to take with us, or do on specific days or times. He knows we will need them sometime later on, even tho we don't.
What a wonderful day you had. I love that photo of Sweet Christian and you.
Love you! {hugs}
Christian is such a cutie! Your pictures are precious, and so is your post. God knew.
I miss that little munchkin! I love you, Marshy <3
I sure miss him too! That grin of his got him pretty far. Stinker. I love you Marshy!
God knew you needed those memories and I am so glad you have them my friend.
He looked pretty happy to have you all to himself! Kids do love that one on one time and I'm so thankful you had it with him and that you brought your camera~AND took a picture of you with him, something as mothers we need to do more.
I'm a softy when it comes to little boys' grins... Such a cutie!
And what a comforting thought- "God knew"...
I'm glad you had your camera too. I like seeing his face. :)
I just had some one on one time with Reagan tonight. She normally goes to bed at 7PM but today we didn't spend much quality time today with all the appts I had. She didn't get her Mama time and wasn't going to bed w/o it. We had a great time from 7:15-8:45P!
We will both sleep better tonight.
I don't take enough pics of poor Reagan. Thanks for reminding me!
Thank you for sharing touched my heart. It helps make me a better mommy. And Christian's smile is so precious! I am glad "God knew."
HE sho' does!
and I'm SO glad...
Yes, He knew, He always does, doesn't He?
So glad you have those sweet pictures. Praying for you every time I think of you, which is often. (((hugs)))
That's what photography is all about. Capturing a moment in time and you captured a precious moment. Beautiful. I am inspired by you and your strength. Thanks for sharing such a special time.
God loves us so much. He always knows what we need. I love those pictures. Thank you for sharing. You have blessed so many of us.
Yes, my dear sweet friend! God knew!
You really know how to make a girl cry, don't you? :) What a precious memory and photo! Love you! {HUGS}
You are so right Marsha, God did know and now it's a wonderful memory of you and your little guy! He sure is cute a button and I love that mischevious little smile. I'm so glad that you have a precious memory like this one of him, just the 2 of you together acting silly. It just made my heart happy and sad at the same time. Thanks for sharing yet again something so close and precious to you.
Molly (:
Makes me realize how important it is to get in front of the camera and not always behind it. My kids have asked me a few times why I'm not in as many pictures and I've told them it's because I take the pictures. But truthfully we never know when our day will come. It's important to have those moments to treasure. God definitely knew you'd need it. Thanks for sharing that.
Yes, you know why you had your camera that day. Perfect. Just perfect. As always, I can't visit you without getting choked up.
Thanks for sharing this, Marsha. What a sweetheart!
Very CUTE picture's Mrs. Drew's,
I saw your very nice comment on Amanda's blog, Thank you
Sir Eric
You are such a blessing to me. Your memories of your day with Christian break my heart and make it glad at the same time. I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say.
God definitely knows what we need before we can even pathom it.
Love ya!
Beautiful pictures! You are so very blessed.
I'm homeschooling a medically fragile child with special needs and I love coming across new homeschoolers!
Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter
Beautiful boy. Beautiful mama. I love you!!!!
God still knows. xoxoxo
LOL I'm logged in as Morgan, but the comment was from Heather. ;)
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