When it's time to change, you've got to re-arraaaaaange.... la la la la, la la lalalala....
And you still don't "get" it unless I say three words.
(Do you get that reference up there now? Not that it really has anything to do with this post. It's just been stuck in my head.)
We have been keeping our ceiling fan on high to stay cool. It is definitely time to make a change.
Goodbye heavy, squishy, snuggly comforter.

Hello lightweight, soft and springy blanket.

Are you making any changes at your house?
I think we're going to tackle the freeze dried flowerbeds next.
We've changed our blankets too! And I've started the wardrobe change, but that might have been a mistake -- it just makes me want to wear clothes that aren't warm enough yet. :) But I love the spring colors blooming in my closet.
I totally get it!!!! HA HA! I cannot believe it is that warm there already! So jealous. Raining here. I am so excited--I just learned how to take a correctly exposed photo on manual. I bought Understanding Exposure at Costco for 15.00. Yeah!!!!
We haven't changed blankets, but I did spend most of a day this last week rearranging my bedroom so it's more baby friendly!
Like Susan said...all we have here in the North West is rain, rain, and more rain. I am SO ready for some warmth to come!
Love your spread and your blanket. We keep the same ones on all year. I just crank the air conditioner up to the point of making our rooms frosty. :)
I walked in and just turned on the gas fireplace... it's raining and 54 degrees.
The only thing I'm changing is my lightweight jacket for a warm,cozy sweater.
Feel free to send the warm sunshine my way :)
I was just thinking it's time to say good-bye to our flannel sheets for a while. I'm kinda sad though cuz' they are soooo soft.
I was just thinking it's time to say good-bye to our flannel sheets for a while. I'm kinda sad though cuz' they are soooo soft.
Took off the flannel sheets a couple of weeks ago. It snowed here last week, but it's finally warming up.
(I'm glad we're friends too)
Changes, oh my, yes! Cleaning out, making the switch, and organizing all those clothes! Deep cleaning kitchen cabinets. All the stuff I was too pregnant for last year! Happy spring cleaning!!
NIce! Love the green!
I keep my fluffy, warm comforter on my bed all year long. It can be 80 degrees and humid outside and there my comforter will stay because you never know when I'll get cold. Our weather is so fickle here anyway and I'm not going to be caught off guard :).
Sadly, you needed no further hints w/me. When we saw the Brady movie, my group was the only one laughing because most of the audience didn't get the movie, which was absolutely hilarious if you're a true Brady fan; don't tell anyone. We were literally rolling in the aisles.
Hmm...change 'round here happened this morning.
I changed up my vacuuming. Instead of going around the pieces of furniture I decided to move them away from their respective places in the living room and *gasp* vacuum UNDER them.
Of course it took 37 hours longer to vacuum since I had to pick up two dried-half eaten carrots, 4 ponytail holders, one playing card, a couple unidentifiable bits, two little people figures, 7 books and a toothbrush.
It's going to be awhile before change occurs around here again. I'm pooped.
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