Being greeted by the sight and smell of this brings much happiness!

Goodbye week of $9 burgers and $15 pasta. Hellooo $1 BBQ pork on a stick!!!
It was seriously the BEST food I have had in forever and worth waiting in the rain to catch the Chamorro Village Wednesday Night Market shuttle.

With the rainy weather and crazy large crowd, I didn't get many pictures and didn't hang around for any music or dancing or whatever else they do there. We ate our pork, washed it down with some fresh coconut (milk? water? juice?), and shopped a few vendor tables.

Sweets for the boys.

And sweets for me!

I had never had Cassava Pudding Cake before... coconut, sugar, milk, tapioca (yucca, cassava, too tired to look it up). Interesting texture, eaten at room temperature (at least I did), and only slightly sweet. I'm saving half to have with my coffee for breakfast. :-)
We also ventured out to visit the dentist for Noah's loose crown today. Hooray for finding a pediatric dentist that accepts our dental insurance(!!!) and for no work needing to be done!!! (Is it terrible to have ended the day with cotton candy like we did?)
While I have had more Korean food here than I ever get to eat in Houston, I miss cooking at home.
If you spent two months on an island, what food would YOU miss the most?
So glad you found a deal! Wow, $9 burgers would add up fast!!! I say cotton candy right before bed once in a while isn't too terribly aweful! LOL! ;)
Don't eat pork or coffee...so you post is not getting me as excited as it did you! :) BUT I love your cotton candy shot and I am sure it was a nice change of pace!
I think I would just spend lots of time at the barbecue stand (types Dawn, who finally learned that barbecue doesn't have a "q" in it).
I want to know what aseptic milk is too. :P That bbq on a stick looks delicious! I'm glad you found something cheap and yummy. Hmmm....not sure what I'd miss if I were on an island for 2 months. Since you do a lot of cooking, I'm sure you miss it. I love you!!!
Oooh....that BBQ looks goooood! And the cotton candy, too! Not so much that weird cake since it involves tapioca-like substances (ick!). Glad you found something cheap and good! I think I would miss the things that even if I didn't eat it often back home, just not being able to get it would make me miss it. Like...beef stew. Or spaghetti.
I love you!
It sounds like SO much fun. I just love your adventure. And your precious boys. : ) Cotton candy to end the night? That sounds perfect to me.
Oh that does look yummy! And what a good price. I'm sure you'll be back.
Are you really sure you want people answering that question? I mean won't that just make you hungry? :)
Hmmm... I would miss tri tip and London broil with garlic and mashed potatoes.
Okay, so that bbq reminds me of my childhood and I so miss my grandpa right now! Yummy memories.
But, to entice you further and motivate you to come see me... Nana makes the BEST cassava cake E.VER.
It's all waiting for you here in Oregon ;)
Yeah for BBQ pork on a stick. It looks delicious. I would miss pizza. I love pizza. I would love to say I miss cooking too, because that would mean I had a nice long break from it! LOL
I would have to say, if I missed anything (though if I was at the beach, chances are I WOULDN'T miss anything else) it would be cooking. I'm thinking I'd get by without it though. ;)
Truly that pudding sounds good! My favorite is coconut jasmine rice pudding (Thai), which I usually eat for breakfast (and snack :)too.
Okay, I'm getting on the next plane to join you!
That BBQ pork looks delectable! I'm not sure what food I would miss. I wouldn't miss this cold weather. 13 degrees right now. BRRR! Enjoy the sunshine for me!! :)
I’ve recently started a blog, the information you provide on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work.
LOL! Two months on an Island??? I've lived on one for 17 YEARS!!!! The list of missed foods is too long to type! Just been home and filled my cases with Grape Jelly, Butterscotch chips, butterscotch sauce,my favourite handmade chocolates, sweet pickle relish, guildens mustard, ranch dressing packets, sloppy joe mix, milano cookies, goldfish crackers, cranberry sauce, canned pumpkin, canned eggnog, lemon pepper seasoning, angel food, red velvet and sprinkle cake mixes, and flavoured coffees (for hubby). And don't even get me started on the foods I can't carry back in a suitcase and have to eat my fill of for two years in five weeks! LOL! Glad you are having fun though! Enjoy it. :o)
Mmmm...I can almost smell that meat sizzling on the grill.
Two months on an island? Does Dr. Pepper count as a food I'd miss?? :)
That's funny. I'm not stuck on an island, but I'm stuck in a small town in TN. Does that count? There are quite a few things I already miss while being here. I guess my travel time (seven hours) to whatever I really miss isn't as long as yours. I would need a cupcake (probably chocolate) every few weeks.
One day, we need to go out to eat together because I like to eat too. You can eat the pork, etc. and I'll eat the vegetables.
I love the pictures.
Nah. Cotton candy for everyone!
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