Piney woods, playgrounds and maybe a swimming pool is the norm in our corner of Houston.
Here in Guam, however, a homeschool park day looks a little different...

Okay, A LOT different.

{They were spoiled rich kids (L-R, President's son, Bill Gates' son, unnamed, Donald Trump's daughter) stranded on an island for a year, surviving by eating sharks.
Tough and imaginative cookies, aren't they?}
Totally off-topic, this whole time difference poses another interesting question.

[Whoa, this is a BIG picture of us... me with my old hairdo and David looking as handsome, mean and bald as usual! We look like giants!]
Mine and David's 15th wedding anniversary is on June 29th. However, the 29th here is for the most part the 28th in TX, which is where we were married.
Much thought and hem-hawing later... okay, pretty much a quick discussion on the way to Blockbuster led to us deciding to celebrate our anniversary on June 30th.
It's just weird.
Coco brought up a good point. She said that her birthday is on July 14th. She was born in Korea and yet does not celebrate her birthday on the 14th in Korea, but on the 14th in the US.
Bah! I hadn't thought of that point. Either way, maybe it's because we still are conscious of the time difference?
What would y'all do? Celebrate here on the 29th (28th in TX) or on the 30th (29th in TX)?
Can't you celebrate over that 3 day period? I don't think it matters when you celebrate as long as it's close. I love that shot of you guys.
I already told should just celebrate both days. :) Love you and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
I totally love the Guam parks better than our American parks! =)
I say celebrate from the 28-30... so you don't have to choose and you cover them all! ;)
Our 2month anniversary is the 30th... doesn't seem that short of time, yet it does!
love ya!
Ha, that is funny. I guess I would celebrate on the day of the day wherever I am. I don't think that made sense. Hey, our 16 anniversary is on Friday July 1. Love your park day location. I can't believe it is raining here right now. We don't get a summer. It just stinks. Makes me totally depressed. End of June and it is raining.
I'd celebrate on the date, not the actual day. I don't recall if you are a date purist though (insisting on celebrating on the actual day no matter what), but most people don't actually celebrate their anniversary on their anniversary, they wait until the weekend or when both of you don't have to work, and so on.
Love the pics! By the way, my pastor from Idaho's wife's dad built the first fast food restaurant on Guam, an A&W I believe. He was a missionary to Guam and built the restaurant as a way to connect with the people and have some income. I'm told the restaurant is still there. I've probably got some fact in there not quite right, so don't run off looking for an A&W or the first fast food restaurant and assume that's the one! :)
We share the same anniversary date of June 29th! My husband and I celebrating our 20th this year.
I think I'd go for several days of celebration and enjoy them all :) BUT, if I had to choose one date, I'd probably go by the calendar of where I am and choose the 29th.
Happy 15th Anniversary! May it be filled with the Father's blessings from above and many more years abundantly overflowing with love.
Oh, and we are celebrating ours in October..hehe! I'm terrified of airplanes, so we had to wait until my husband had vacation time to drive somewhere.
Celebrate both days! A day of extra spoiling and "snookies" are always good! Happy anniversary Marsha and David! God bless you both!
I would celebrate the 29th and the 30th. We plan to call you on the 28th here and on the 29th.
Honestly I would do what is best for my schedule... and what my beloved would want to do.. so I think it is the heart.
I am excited to see photos of Guam.. how are you adjusting?
Miss you my friend
Celebrate both! What a great excuse for an extra date night with your hubby. ;-)
We used to joke about the time difference too, using it to our advantage, of course!
So I joke about hubby getting older. He says, "It's not my b-day in America YET."
We celebrate b-day and then the next day Sprite says, "It's my b-day in America. Let's celebrate again."
Fun fun.
I say make it a week-long celebration. Kinda like Mardi Gras....but with less alcohol of course.
I mean, 15 years is nothing to sneeze at!
And if you like, I'll be happy to eat some cake for you here in Texas on your actual date. I'm sacrificial that way.
My Addison was born on 10/27 in Korea, but conceived in the US (sorry, tmi? ha ha!), and with the time difference, his "real" b-day is 10/26. We stuck to the 27th b/c that's what his birth cert said :) Funny what traveling does to your brain.
Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated ours... a wonderful time of year for a wedding! ;) I would say both just for fun! lol If I were to pick just one... I would celebrate on the 29th there. Hope you have a wonderful celebration whenever you have it! :)
Just celebrate! LOL!
Love the Homeschool park!
I totally agree - celebrate for both days! Anniversaries are big deals in our culture nowadays, and to be celebrating 15 years is great! Family and a good marriage deserve two days of partying!
I think you should celebrate for a Whole Week given the excellent Gift God has granted you guys! Congrats!! ;)
I want to come hang out with you in Guam. We must discuss immediately!
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