Look at how young we were! I had just turned 21 and David was 23. You tell me, what's more shocking-- him having hair or him smiling in a picture? hehehe
See those grins up there?
Well, we're grinning again... and frankly in disbelief...

Nope, not having twins... just felt the need to test twice to be sure!
I still can't believe it.
We truly covet your prayers... prayers for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, prayers that we will not be fearful...
I am surprised. Are you surprised?
Most of all, I am thankful that the Lord has answered the cries of our heart. He is so good to give us this GIFT!
And we rejoice.
Congratulations, you're right, there is no better gift!!
Love y'all :)
AHHHH!!!!! :) SOOOO excited for you guys!!!! :D When are you due???
Oh, Marsha!!!! So happy for you! And you're right -- couldn't be a better anniversary present!
This is wonderful. I am just so happy for you all. What a blessing you have been given!!! :)
Sending you lots of hugs & LOVE!!!
oh Marsha, crying tears of joy for you! I am so excited for you and David. What a blessing.
Congratulations!!!! How exciting for all of you :>
That's just awesome. Congrats!
omg omg omg omg I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED for you!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG! that is soooo awesome! *yayayayayayayayayayayay* oh I am so overjoyed!
btw... Isaiah was just 24 and I was 21 when we got married!
oooh Marshy! I am soooo happy for you!
:hugs: love you!
I am absolutely overjoyed for you, Marsha!!!! And the rest of your family too :)
I am praying and will continue to do so - that God will protect you and the little blessing you are carrying - and specifically praying Isa. 26:3-4 for you - a steadfast mind that is in perfect peace because He is our Rock.
Many, many congratulations!!!!
WOW!!! My heartfelt congratulations! What an awesome anniversary gift!
Oh my word! Well, really I am more shocked at David smiling in the wedding photo.....LOL!
I'm crying I'm so happy for you!!!!!!
Wow!! Congratulations!!!! So very happy for you and your soon-to-be-expanding family. :-)
I am THRILLED for you!!!! So exciting! YEAH!!! :)
I am more than thrilled! And so glad you have chosen to celebrate for two days- how fun! :)
So very happy for you! Congratulations. Will be praying.
Isn't God AMAZING?!? What a gift--so happy for you and your family!
OH! How wonderful!!! :D
Many blessings and congratulations!
So very happy for you and David! Praise God!
YEAH YAY!!!!! WOW! Praise the Lord! I am so happy for you! What a blessing!
I guess I need to move to Guam.
And actually, I did notice your husband's smile before I noticed his hair!
So happy for you!
SO, SO, SO happy and thankful for you!! SOOOO very happy!!
{{{SQUEAL!!!!!}}}} Soooooooooo excited! And grateful... and humbled... and in awe of His goodness and lavish love.
Congratulations doesn't seem nearly enough... but congratulations and may the Lord bless, bless, bless you!
Oh! How exciting!!! We rejoice with you!
Oh! Beautiful gift indeed! Congratulations!!!
i am in SHOCK! :D Happy. WOW. Blessed. :D SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
Congratulations on both the Anniversary (Two weeks before our 15th!) and the pregnancy! Praying for you.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Blessings!!!!! :)
Congratulations! I am SO happy for you!! :)
Oh I am so excited for you Mrs. Marsha you need a girl! What do you think?
Oh my word. I didn't get a chance to read my blogs until tonight. I was not expecting to see those EPTs. I swear I just woke up Ryan and the baby. I yelled! :) I am so happy for you and David. I know the boys are excited too. I love you, sweet girl. I'm praying for all that you asked and more.
...now I have to go put my little one back to sleep.
Ok....so David smiling in a pic is more shocking. I've seen him with hair and remember him with hair....I don't recall seeing him smile in this picture. Oh yeah....and
YAY for me being an Eemo....AGAIN! I am so happy for y'all. God definitely has His own timing when we least expect it. Will be most definitely praying throughout your pregnancy. I know how hard it is to not be fearful. I love you so very much. Wish you weren't so far away.
Praise Jesus! Congratulations! What a sweet gift! God is so good....
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so incredibly happy for you both—for you all! If I had read my emails this morning before I started playing Words with Friends, I would have been so happy for you that I wouldn't have harbored ill feelings because you played a word that's worth 76 points when I have lousy letters and only one vowel. hehehe
Marsha!! Happy anniversary to you guys! I am thrilled for you! God's timing is always perfect - continuing to pray for you, my dear. Praising HIM w/you!!
God is Good.... All the Time! Congratulations! This is awesome news! I am so so happy for you all!
Could you hear me give our a big WOOHOO from there?!?! lol
Congratulations! I'm SO very, very excited for you all.
Love & blessings from Ohio...Kim Wolf<><
Happy Anniversary and Congratulations!
What wonderful and exciting news. Blessings to you and your family.
WOW! When I saw the blog post title, I had a little tinge of curiosity in my mind... was it? YES! It is!
Congrats, my dear friend. This is so exciting.
YES!!!!! This is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news!!!
I am beyond ecstatic! You would think I was having a baby I am so excited and overjoyed! What a gift, what a blessing! I am so happy for you!!! Keeping you and baby in our prayers, I pray you enjoy every second of this pregnancy! Please be sure to take us along for the ride, lots of belly pics and blog posts! (((Hugs)))
Marsha!!! :o) That is so amazing!!! :o) I am so very happy for you all!!! :o) Yayayayayayaya!!! :o)
I was behind on my blog reading, so just saw this. I am so excited that I just ran into the bedroom and woke my husband up to tell him :) Congratulations to you and Smiley (ha) and to the big brothers!
I do no believe that I have ever commented, but I am a homeschooling mom of 6 (3 are graduated) and have been reading your blog since you started writing for Heart of the Matter. You have been such an inspiration and I have been praying that you will be blessed with a baby since you first mentioned it in your blog a year or so ago. I'm just tickled!!! (I have recently gotten interested in photography and you have had a huge influence in that as well - I love how you use your photos to tell a story!)
Wow, that is SO wonderful and exciting. Yes, I was most definitely surprised. And I'll be happy to pray for you. I always think of 1 John 4:18, "perfect love casts out fear." (the Nancy shortened version) Ha!
Congratulations Marsha!!
Oh Marsha! That's so wonderful! I'm very happy for you and your family! Children are such sweet blessings from the Lord.
Peace to you!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family. This just makes me smile.
A Great big huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!! To you all!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you guys! And I WILL be praying for you during the coming months. Just remember that He has NOT given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind! I will be praying this for you! ((((HUGS)))) - Deedee
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!! How absolutely exciting!!! :) I will definitely keep y'all in my prayers!
Wow!!! I am so happy for you and your family :) Congrats on the anniversary and pregnancy. I will continue to pray for your family.
I am overjoyed for your family! I love you sweet friend!
Okay, so I had to travel back in time to figure out how on earth I missed this announcement!!! And I just want you to know that this is not only an answer to Austin's prayers, but mine also...I've been waiting for this announcement for a very long time. Tears of joy for you my friend!
My heart is bursting with joy for you guys! OH Marsha!!! This IS the best gift ever for you! Thank you Lord for your abundant blessings!
I'm so happy for you, Marsha! Praying for a healthy pregnancy, and I love your blog!
Been following your blog for years.You inspire me daily.Felt the need to comment.What a blessing! May God Bless you always! Congrats! Looking foward to hearing all about the pregnancy and the new lil one.Stay blessed!
fellow homeschool mom from Orlando FL
Oh, Marsha, I'm so happy for you! Crying a little, too, and happy.
I found your blog via Roscommonacres. I was filled with sadness at your family's story, but happy to see you're expecting.
WOW! God is blessing you!!! All our prayers headed your way for a fearless pregnancy. :)
such an amazing blessings! happy anniversary & congratulations, ((marsha))! :)
Congrats!! So sorry I missed this before..
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