What?! Reading?

Of their own volition?

And without a full moon?

It's a simple formula, really.




The best part is that they have been reading books that are over 200 pages long! Ones that *I* want them to read!
A little computer or video game time for reading sounds like a great deal to me. And they are finding out that some of these books really are interesting!
So, am I the only bad momma that uses bribery special incentives to encourage reading?
I'll totally use that idea when my kids can read. :)
Works around here :-) I think the more good books they read the more they enjoy it.
i have never needed to bribe for reading, but i have used the tactic for other things! i currently owe my kids $23 towards a new video game (something i *never* buy them) bc that's how many mom-dollars are in the kitchen-clean-when-mom-gets-home-from-work jar.
i never thought of poker chips-- but we have sometimes used marbles.
Fabulous for "winter" time!
I love it! :o) I haven't had to bribe...Oops...I mean give incentives for reading because my oldest son won't put a book down and often falls asleep over one late at night. My youngest is still learning to read so this isn't an issue yet, but may become one as he would rather be drawing than reading. I'll keep it in mind! I'm glad I'm not the only one who drastically limits computer games though. LOL!
We do the same exact thing for my girl. She loves her video games, but has to earn minutes from reading.
Clever mom! They usually like the book....once they get started!
I don't have to bribe the boys to read this year. My youngest is really into the Redwall series and my oldest into the Warriors series. Plus, we are using Sonlight core 6 this year (for the first time.) There are so many good boy books in this core. I don't have to remind them to read!
I do like your incentive though. I will definitely keep it in mind for the summer! :)
Oooh, liking this. I have my son play his violin to earn Nintendo DS time but I've never used a "token." He would dig the token thing :)
I've never had to bribe for reading, but I've been known to bribe for just about anything else.
Not sure about the poker chips though... LOL!!
I think that's an excellent idea!
I LOVE that! I have been using games as an incentive, but you are so smart with the poker chips! They are like coins that can be redeemed. excellent!
I think you are quite possibly brilliant! So 30 minutes of reading equals how much video game time? Equal?
I love this idea!!!!!
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