I am really proud of Lele-- she has grown so much as a Christian, wife and now mother.
In all my years of visiting her, I have only been to two real tourist attractions-- the Empire State Building and Times Square. I realize that I need to remedy that soon... but not too soon, when the weather is cooler!
And now I can add one more thing to my list.
Don't laugh, y'all.
We don't have this in Houston and I've always wanted to try it.

When I told Lele about it she was not impressed. I liked the bread and the a/c and the price. I tried to ignore the flat piece of gray meat on it. Well, I didn't really think it was gray until Lele called it that, even though she wasn't even with me at the time. Way to ruin my memory, Lele!
Next time, I want to try these. I wonder if Robyn would approve?

Austin didn't join me in my feast. He has had Dunkin Donuts for lunch every day, which is another thing we don't have very many of in Houston.
We are so high maintenance, don't you think? And definitely not on any sort of diet this week.
While I ate my square little sliders in a box, he passed the time doing this...

And Lulu passed the time doing this...

Not the kind of NYC post most people write about. If I'm not too lazy, maybe I'll take some real city pics later today or Friday. I am hoping to make a stop at B&H too!
Do you have any odd (or dumb or other-people-might-think-it's-gross) places you want to visit? What's your White Castle?
I am so jealous that you get to go to B&H!!!
I didn't know you live in Houston?! I'm not that far from you!
Oh, I can relate to your post. I love In and Out and we don't have those in Denver. I also miss a lot hole in the wall places in Seattle. Enjoy your time in NY. I'm jealous. I've always wanted to go there.
On another note, my husband was just in Houston a few weeks ago. Maybe I'll have to tag along next time. :)
Sonic - they just put one in Massachusetts and I live in Maine but I need to go there next time I'm in Boston. Love your blog.
I have never been to a White Castle. :) I can't wait to see and hear more about NYC! I have never been there, but have always thought it would be an amazing place to see! :)
That is hilarious!
Oh, those sweet potato fries with cinnamon dipping sauce sound AWESOME! I have never been to a White Castle before. Never even seen one on our cross country drives for that matter, though we haven't been too far NorthEast.
I will say though, when I go home to visit this November, the first place I want to go is ARBYS!! I LOVE Arbys and Guam has none. I also hope we can go out to Olive Garden and Red Robins as well as this local Mexican resturant I so long for and miss. Can't find any good mexican food on Guam- though plenty of Asian!!
We ate at White Castle when we were newlyweds living in Kansas City. Ewww... We've never been back!
So glad you're having a wonderful time with your beautiful niece!!
I've always wanted to go to a real NYC deli...don't ya'll know that Krispy Kreme is WAY better than Dunkin's? =)
I've never had White Castle, but I'm sure I'd like it. LOL As long as I don't have to fix it ya know? ;)
One place I absolutely LOVE is Bojangles and we don't have one around here. I always made my husband take me to one when we'd visit his parents. Sadly, I don't when I'll ever see another one. :(
OH and one place I experienced for the first time a couple years back was Popeyes. Ohemmmmgeeeee!! It was good!!
oooh I'm with NCMom I would really have to try out a NYC Deli! I watch those shows like Sandwich Paradise and Diners, Drive Ins, & Dives. They always show such great food!!
Awwww, dang it, Marsha you're making me hungry!!!
My White Castle? In Panama City, FL there used to be a b-bque place, Glen's.....the name is enough to make my mouth water!!! My brother used to drive down from GA and buy enough to fill a cooler. They used to smoke our turkeys at holidays. Mmmmm...the old hickory smoked and made their own sauce. You notice I said "used", they closed, I mourned!
Aw.Lulu! I've been afraid to try white castle because lele told me about the gray meat. EW! The first time I visited Lele we did do some of the touristy stuff. We didn't go up to the top of the Empire State building but I did see it. We saw the statue of liberty from afar and didn't do the world trade center because we ran of time and thought we'd catch it next time. That was 2 months before the terrorist attack. SO, the next time I went, we couldn't even go in the Statue of Liberty because they closed it to tourist. Anyway, I just love hanging out when I'm with all of y'all. No need for touristy things.... just a little shopping. As for food I miss.... I miss Ricky's in Moore. :( There are lots of mexican places around here but none that just stand out to me. Oh, and Ken's Hopsing in Folsom. :)
We had our White Castle experience when we went to that chick fil A in Beaumont! The only difference, is the fact that chick Fil A was DELICIOUS! We wish that there was one in Oregon. But there isn't. We have pictures though!
Was white castle tasty??
Ali- White Castle was pretty good. Nothing compared to Chick-fil-A of course but I liked it. Fuddruckers is MUCH better though when it comes to burgers!
Tomorrow we get to eat at Central Park-- it's the first Korea day over there. I can't wait!
Everyone else- if I didn't reply directly to your comment, it's because your email was not linked/enabled to your "google account" identity. :(
I have never been to White Castle either, I don't even think I've seen one. Actually, I have not been a lot of places....maybe I need to take a road trip!! ;o)
You know, my husband has never eaten at White Castle either, and boasts about it! Isn't that crazy? We don't have Sonic here and I keep reading about their strawberry limeade or something like that. Sounds yummy!
My White Castle would have to be.......uuhhmm.........White Castle! I remember them fondly from my childhood in NJ and no trip home is complete without a helping of small 'grey' hamburgers! Hehehe! When I was a teen I remember the guys in youth group having competitions to see who could eat a bag of 20 fastest! LOL! It is one junk food that I still enjoy - and since I only get them once every 24 months or so, I figure they can't do me much harm. LOL! Enjoy - I'm just a little bit green. :o) - Deedee
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Oh my friend, I am a born and raised upstate NY girl....so envious of that Dunkin Donuts trip!!! Make sure you have a slice of good and greasy NY Style Pizza for me!!!
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