When David got home tonight, Austin bent down and touched the end of David's shoelace.
A: Hey daddy, you know what this part of your shoelace is called?D: No, Austin. I don't.A: It's called an aglet. You know that plastic part at the end of all shoelaces? Those are aglets.
If he had stopped right there, I would've been impressed.
But they NEVER stop right there, do they?
A: You know where I learned that, daddy? From Phineas and Ferb. We learn most of our things from tv shows and video games.
Ahem. Thanks, Austin. I appreciate that. You learn absolutely zero from mommy. Thanks for shooting that aglet right through my heart.
BUT he might be right! Look... it IS called an aglet!
And remember when Noah said his nemesis this year would be Language Arts? Yup, that was also from Phineas and Ferb.
I never dreamed that I would have to compete with a cartoon.
(Although I do admit that that particular cartoon is one of my favorites.)
[PS The picture up there has nothing to do with this post. I threw it in here because
1.) it's fun and 2.) I must have at least one picture in a post!]
1.) it's fun and 2.) I must have at least one picture in a post!]
Aww yes, good ole Phineas and Ferb--Natalie watched several episodes this morning while I cleaned. I wonder if she learned about aglets. :)
My daughter asked me if I knew what an aglet was last week. I'd never heard that word before. Thank goodness for Phineas and Ferb. Otherwise we'd all be clueless about aglets.
BTW, I love that Gitchee, Gitchee Goo song. I even have it on my iPod.
Gitchee Gitchee Goo means I love you...
That song has been sung entirely too much around this house. Making a one hit wonder would definitely be a fun way to spend a summer day! :)
Tee hee! I learned about aglets from Phineas and Ferb a while back. I have to be honest, most of what my kids know they've learned from tv/computer. It's quite difficult to do a preschool curriculum with my kids when they already know most of it. *sigh*. :P
hehe..... My kids love Phineus & Ferb too. We don't have a tv, but they can watch episodes on the computer.
oops..I spelled his name wrong.
Love the photo by the way!
I'm so glad that I am NOT alone. My oldest has made comments to me about something he learned on cartoons too. SIGH At least we can all laugh together. We just need to figure out how to have a virtual cup of coffee together...
MARSHA!!!!! Devin taught me that tip on the shoelace is called an aglet after watching PHINEAS AND FERB too!!! I thought he was joking! Hilarious! You are doing a great job....you are teaching them wonderful things...and they don't even know it! - Donna M
i think it has everything to do with this post. it shows how clever and cute they are.
How cute! :-)
You are a wonderful teacher, and we creative mommies use all sorts of tools to teach our kids...even TV shows. (And yes...we love that show here at our house, too) ;-)
Very fun photo of the boys, too!
Funny stuff. :)
I love reading your posts. They always make me laugh and remind me of growing up. Guess I should watch more cartoons...
I love that cartoon too. I think it's the only one my kids watch. Too funny!
Wait until they're in their twentys and give you their opinion. Have a good day.
A.) that picture is GREAT!
B.) I have never even heard of that cartoon- but if your kids are learning that much from it, I may have to check it out
C.) I think that would make you some sort of enabler...
D.) all of the above
The funny thing is, when I wrote that particular "Phineas and Ferb" episode (along with the "Tie The World Together" song), there was a debate as to whether or not the boys would actually spend one of their precious summer days forcing everyone to learn a word that no one knows because it's not at all important to know (in the episode, Candace voiced that opinion - loudly). Dan Povenmire, the show's creator insisted that kids love learning new words and telling everyone. Apparently, he was right! I'm proud that we've also taught kids that platypuses wear fedoras and a reasonable life choice is "elective mute." Go Ferb! Thanks for watching - JCB
Marsha!!! That's so funny and SO COOL! It's a small cyberspace! Heehee (now to go check out Phineas and Ferb!)
i have never heard of that cartoon. i'd like to say that's because cartoons are never ever ever watched in our home, but it's really because we never watch disney channel, which might be because we don't actually *get* disney channel. hmmm, i'll have to check. it would certainly be preferable to spongebob.
and the fact that your kids learn stuff from cartoons and other sources not directly involving you *still* says a LOT about you and the learning environment you provide. i think kids who grow up in an atmosphere that does not encourage and facilitate learning would not care what an aglet was and would not retain that information for more than half a second. (besides, they would probably be watching spongebob instead.)
(ps- my husband is the one who lets my kids watch spongebob. i would just throw the tv out the window and make them play chess. :-)
that is funny! both the comment and the word. I have no idea what phineas and ferb is.
That comment from Jon C Barry totally made my day! And y'all should've seen Austin's eyes when I showed it to Austin! Completely awesome.
Must confess...
#!) I have no idea who Phineas and Ferb are.
#2) We love taking forced perspective pictures-- we're geeky that way
mine learn from
1) Lego Star Wars
2) Martha Speaks
i left a couple of links so you're "in the know" on facebook - my profile! :)
Learn something new everyday :)
& I love that picture. I'm always trying different (read weird) angles :)
Kids do say the craziest things...and yes, a photo on your gorgeous blog is a must for each post.
LOL! My boys have just recently discovered Phineas and Ferb, so I found this extra funny! I guess I better watch out, huh????
I'd never heard of an aglet either! (But I've at least heard of the cartoon you mentioned. We miss so much living abroad! LOL!)
I agree. Each post should have a minimum one pic. Has to be that way. And it's a cute one!
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