I remember thinking "Oh, cute how Noah has a construction quilt. And Austin with those frogs that look funny like him." :)
It wasn't until today that I noticed something that is probably very obvious to everyone else.

One has fwogs and the other has Dozers (my blog nickname for Christian).
The boys didn't even pick them out, y'all. They were "randomly" handed to them. (I don't believe in random, do you?)
I can't help but believe that God revealed that (obvious) detail to me TODAY for a reason.
Because He loves me like that.
Awwww. Like you said, He's in the details.
That is amazing!
I saw the Dozer right away! You are so right, God is soooo awesome!
I just love that. God is amazing and He loves you so very, very much!
He does love us like that!!!!
If that's not awesome I don't know what is!
What a precious reminder from Him to let you know He has not forgotten...He loves you so!
This made me smile and thank the Lord above!
I don't believe in random either. ((hugs))
Ok I noticed the fwogs and the dozers but didn't realize the boys didn't pick them out themselves. GOD IS SO AWESOME! There is no such thing as random in the lives of true believers. God has always kept His promise and he continues to remind us each day that He is the one that makes the world go 'round. I'm still so amazed at how much HE loves US! I love you, Marshy!
Nope, I didn't realize it. That is great! And yes, he does love you like that. Cause you're just so awesome! Well he'd love you even if you weren't awesome...but well you know what I mean LOL {{hugs}}
I absolutely love, love, love this post! It blows me away when God does things like this.
"His lovingkindnesses never cease - they are new every morning - Great is thy faithfulness." (Lam. 3) I'm so glad you share with us these amazing evidences of God's goodness to you.
Just like the wonder 'Dad' He is...He is always eager to give us those sweet little gifts. Those special little 'somethings' that are just between you & Him. I love that about Him.
Love & blessings from Ohio...Kim<><
That is so sweet! Their very own precious memory quilts.
Wow! I know He is awesome and everything, but Wow! He really does love us. There is no random and when we see or finally realize what He has done, it just makes us (or me) say Wow!
God is good.
He is more than good.
Has in been almost two years??
Our God is so good to you that He would keep doing things like this to let you know that He is intimately acquainted with you and your deepest heart.
Thanks for sharing this.
God does these things for me too, case in point: we were all sitting around throwing around boy names in case we had another baby, cause we all know how much of a long shot it would be for me to have a boy. I love the name Jack Thomas, and that was my choice.......and I was also thinking about posting a picture of Janie's precious feet on my blog. So I had Russell go out to the storage container to get Janie's memory box so I could look at some pics. I pulled out her baby book and on the page where it said "Names for Me" I saw that our choice, if she had been a boy, was.....
Jack Thomas.
I had forgotten.
Love you.
Such a blessing!
Oh, yes, that is awe.some! Nope, don't believe in random either! I agree, He is always in the details!
I thought it was wonderful that you realized that! I notice God all the time in the little details! Its exciting!
Though my husband as any man just rolls his eyes and says I see what I want to see, I know I see what He wants me to see!
Come visit me at www.crystalizedreflections.blogspot.com
Awe!! I just love it when God smiles at me like that!
What a gift that was!
What a crazy connection. I love it when life works out like this. All is right.
Oh Marshy! How cool is that?!?! God is sooooo good to us, isnt' He? I actually still think of him as Dozer even though I know his 'proper' name now. I still think of your other two as Tank and Dash too! *blush* I guess it is hard to change peoples names in your head sometimes! LOL! Those blankets are absolutely precious! Did the boys realise about the pictures and links to Dozer? Have to shared with them what you noticed, or are you waiting for them to receive that gift from God themselves? Just wondering...... Deedee
I love when He reveals these little details to us. Thanks for sharing :-)
Isn't that amazing? I was looking for some detail in those crazy frog faces. :-P
God is so often in the details, but I just look at the big picture. This was a great post. Thank you for your comment on my newly engaged son. God was in the details there too! Nice to connect with your blog again!
That is so awesome and it took you a year because of HIS timing. What a blessing those blankets are.
Oh my, Simply Awesome. A Blessing.
Have a great weekend!
Hope it doesn't flood on your side of town! :D
I love that. I don't believe in coincidences either. God made us friends because He loves ME like that too!
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