My sweet friend Doris was in the crowd.

There were trophies at stake. Kids LOVE trophies.

We doubt we'll ever win in speed. We just hope the car will make it to the end of the track!

Did you guess which one was Noah's?
This one.

It's the only iPhone we own.
Congrats to Noah on winning Most Creative Car! And a trophy! Woot woot! Totally made his year. :)

Maybe I should make up my own trophies for the kids. Y'know, for "best dishwasher of the month" and "I can brush my teeth without being told"... do you think it would garner the same amount of excitement (and motivation)?
Congratulations Noah! That is the most creative design I've ever seen! (and I've seen alot as I have four brothers who all did pine wood derbys as I grew up!) - Deedee
Love it!! Very creative! We did a Wii Remote this year...it's fun to see what the kids come up with for ideas!
Love the car, what a clever, creative design!!!!
Nice design! I was always trying to build something cool/crazy as well. I never went for speed... which is why I was shocked when I won for speed one year. Crazy [smile].
As for trophies for daily things... probably not so much. Trophies tend to come out for events that are once a year type deals (so, it would work if you had a spring cleaning day, I'm guessing). Ribbons, on the other hand, could certainly be handed out on a weekly basis. Not sure if they'd be very motivating, but you could try it [smile].
How cool! Way to go Noah! That looked like so much fun.
Congratulations, Noah!!
If my boys would enter a derby like this, their dad would have as much fun building it as they would! :)
that was super creative! what a little genius. good for him.
Way to go, Noah! That is super creative. I love it! I had to show the boys.
As far as that "brush their teeth without being told" thing...
yeah, good luck with that.
How Awesome!
We have SO much fun at our Pinewood derbies. Our Scoutmaster lets parents and siblings make cars also. Nick made an army tank and I made a "Lightning McQueen" car for Nater this year. One boy had a hamburger car and another had a shark.
It's neat to see kids be creative!
That is the coolest Pinewood Derby car ever!
woohoo-yeah for coolest car on the track. My kids did that in awana a few years. We had one fastest car and 2 or 3 best designs. One year we made a wagon car, like a prairie schooner. It was so cute. It was quite slow though, imagine that with the drag of the fabric canopy!
By FAR- COOLEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it. That is the best. How do you find Pinewood Derbys? I wonder if there is one by us?
That is so awesome- Its great to see the cars. The children did a great job.
That's awesome! Noah totally deserved the most creative trophy. Who would have thought of an iphone car? Congratulations Noah! :)
HILARIOUS! that is awesome.
I love that creativity!
and that picture of you two... priceless.
as for the trophies, hmmm. what kind of figure would they put at the top of the dishwasher one... a big sponge? ;)
amy in peru
The iPhone car ROCKS!
How old do they have to be before you can stop the teeth brushing reminders. Because it's not happening for me. :-(
VERY cool car Noah! Congrats! :) We don't go for speed or creativity, esp since I have to do most of the work. I feel bad because this year I got my dates mixed up and we missed it. :( Maybe next year Ben can come up with his own cool idea.
How fun...
sandy toe
I was breathless waiting for the derby results...!
The Pinewood Derby ROCKS!
And that car, WOW. Amazing.
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