I stepped out my back door a few minutes ago to see this little guy.

6Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
7But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Love that bird shot! Sweet!
Definitely a sweet shot! :)
Great photo! Sweet birdie. Yep, indeed a sweet shot.
Nice pic! :o)
Beautiful shot Marshy! I love you!
Awesome shot! And can not believe birdie didn't fly away!
what an awesome shot! simply beautiful!
We just read that verse this morning. Thanks for the wonderful visual of an amazing truth.
Simply perfect... in every way.
{I just realized we have a similar 'leave your comment' intro. Funny.}
love it! i want to get a picture of a bird so bad lol when i spot one i just stand and watch it, and when it flies off i think, man i shoulda took a picture! and the times i do try, i make so much noise i scare the poor thing off.
awesome picture!
Beautiful shot! Love the bible verse too.
WOW! Gorgeous pic!!
what a gorgeous, gorgeous picture! i think i would frame that one! can i ask what kind of camera or lense you use? fantastic!
visiting (again!) from m3b
This is a GORGEOUS photograph, Marsha. Wow!
Wow... what a wonderful shot!! It's beautiful!
such a great shot!
I just love to watch the birds... what a sweet and tender shot.
Thanks for your thoughtful, kind note the other day about my brother.
Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
What lens did you use to get such a close shot? 'Cuz I know that widdle birdie wouldn't let you get that close. Or are you a widdle birdie whisperer?
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