Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Birthday HSB!!!

I can't believe it's already been one year!!!  The Front Porch is a celebratin' ALL WEEK!  Here's the scoop...


Guess who's having a birthday?  Homeschoolblogger.  Yep, that's right our beloved HSB will officially be one year old on Tuesday, May 16th


Somewhere over in Eastern TN, I imagine Gena is sticking out her tongue at Jen saying, "Neener, neener, I TOLD you they would like it."


So, we just want to celebrate all week long with contests, prizes, and fun.  Carla from Shade Tree Cottage has already volunteered to donate two wonderful gift baskets of her handmade, all natural, organic soaps!  Wow, just look at her site, you can practically smell the soaps on there!!


If any of you would like to donate prizes for our contests on the Front Porch this week, just email me and let me know.  We so appreciate you all blogging with us and making HSB such a wonderful blogging community.


So let's get started with our very first contest for the week.  We want to take a look back through some of your best blog entries.  Choose one of your favorite blog entries (that you've written) and post the link here as a comment.  Maybe it was when you shared your testimony, maybe it was a great homeschool story, maybe it was funny or maybe it was a great picture.  Whatever it is, just post it as a comment here and we can all browse through HSB's "Best of..." And be sure to blog about it on your blog.  We want to spread the word all around HSB!


~Nancy Carter

Senior Editor of HSB

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