Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Back-to-School Hop: Picture Week

Since school is SERIOUS business, I have some serious pictures of my boys.

Austin: 10 years old, 5th grade

Noah: 8 years old, 3rd grade

To see other people's school pictures, check out Darcy's Not-Back-to-School Hop going on right now!

Hmmm... I wonder where my old school photos are? Y'know, the cute elementary school ones-- not the ones that encompass the teenage years.

And since you're here, please drop by and wish Austin a very happy double-digit birthday!


live4evermom said...

This reminds me that I didn't post my boys school pics this year. hhhmmm Gotta get busy on that.

Karin Katherine said...

Aw, they are serious about their schoolwork!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

Love these head shots. I just realized that you and I are teaching the exact same grades this year. Cool. My boys are the same ages as yours.


Anonymous said...

I hated school photos. I have one where I look like a clown (seriously) It was 7th grade. My mom let me wear lipstick and I went with RED. The photographer made me laugh, which result in this awful grin.

I didn't let my mom order any. :)

Ruthanne said...

I love the expression on Noah's face! :D

Sisterlisa said...

Very serious I'd say. ;O) All these mom blogs with photos has me so inspired. My kiddles are getting gussied up as I type. :O)

Tracy said...

Boy, you're homeschool must be STRICT! LOL...J/K! :)

Anonymous said...

Very serious. I might think they were too serious if I hadn't seen those pictures last week. ;-)

Anonymous said...

So nice to meet you and your "class"... :-D

Darcy @ m3b said...

I could smooch them.

Boys love it when complete strangers who know their mommy and feel like they know them but don't really smooch them unexpectedly. ;)

Let's diagram that sentence.

I'm off to wish A a 1-0 bday.

Kristenph said...

Very serious :) I love it.

BTW, I love your new blog. I'm strongly considering making the switch myself.