Did it scare you?

Well, it does look creepy when you see it out of the corner of your eye (on the counter, by the microwave, in the hallway...). If you don't believe me, scroll back up to the top picture and then scroll down really quickly to the end. Did it look real for a minute there? Okay, at least for a second?
My boys are quite the comedians.
My boys are quite the comedians.
I was about ready to call an exterminator for you :)
hehe...we love practical jokes at our house too.
Your omlet looks delicious, by the way.
Forget about the bug; that looks like a most delicious breakfast! Yum. Actually I could eat an omelet any time of day. Actually I think I could eat a cockroach if it was wrapped up in eggie cheesy onion/bell peppery cholula omelet! Ha!
the food, not the bug :) I'm just sayin'
I was fooled! All I could think of was: Texas=cockroaches!!!! You have a sharp sense of humor!
That omelette looked splendid. I like omelettes too!
my kids like to stick things in my coffee when I am not looking. Like little plastic frogs or bugs. Kids do the funniest things!
OH, and your omelette looked absolutely wonderful! Makes me hungry.
I just had to tell you also...if you are EVER in Oregon, you gotta look me up! I saw your sister lives in Hillsboro now. That isn't too far from me! About an hour. If you visit your sister sometime I'd love to see you!
I bet your guys would love Jimmie's 'Beetle on a stick' huh? :o)
Ha! You got me ;-)
Seriously, has leah seen this one yet?
Those omelets look wonderful. Could you share the recipe? I'm trying to figure out what you have in the middle. Love the roach as well. Would go over well here!
No real recipe, Rebecca. Just ham and cheese!
And Jason, nope, Lele hasn't seen this yet-- has she? If she hasn't, we should let Noah bring it on our next visit. :)
Growing up, we had a set of very fakey looking plastic bugs.My brother and I would put them on the milk jug in the refrigerator, on the counter, in the tub. My mom was such a good sport. She always let out a huge SCREAM.
Thanks for the memories.
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