Week 1: Curriculum Hop
Although our year-round homeschooling selves won't be finished with the 2008-2009 school year until the end of September, I've already been making plans for this next school year.
One thing I am definitely keeping the same is our BLOCK SCHEDULING. This basically means that we are not doing every single subject every single day.
- Every day: Handwriting, Math, Spelling
- Monday/Wednesday: Language Arts, History
- Tuesday/Thursday: Science, Latin, Art, Music
While I detest assigning grade levels, for simplicity's sake we will say that Austin is going into 5th grade and Noah into 3rd grade.
Italic Handwriting Book E by Getty-Dubay
N: Gamma/Delta
A: Delta/Epsilon
AVKO Sequential Spelling
finish Book 1, begin Book 2
Language Arts:
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Daily Grams
Reading Comprehension
Mystery of History Vol. 1: Creation to Christ
MOH Vol. 1 Printable Reproducibles CD-ROM
NOEO Science
finish Chemistry 1,
begin Physics 1
finish Song School Latin,
begin Latin for Children
finish Lambs Book of Art
Discovering Great Artists
Draw Write Now
Art Auction Mystery
Can you find it?
Art Lotto
Simply Music Learn at Home Level 1 (Piano)
Gravy (y'know, the extra stuff that isn't necessary but still nice):
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Jr.
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (new hybrid version for Vista)
Dr. Funster's Think a Minutes
Basic Map Skills
Typing Instructor Deluxe
Seriously? They are BOYS. They like to throw water balloons, dig holes, ride bikes (with homemade ramps), play baseball in the yard with daddy, shoot hoops, go to the driving range, play soccer, ride scooters, catch frogs, go camping, fly kites... need I say more?
To see what others have lined up for the new school year, visit Blog Hop central at My3Boybarians. And don't forget to add your own post!
FYI, schedule for the rest of this month:

One of these days this will all make more sense to me. :)
I like it. I like it a lot.
I want to hear how you like Art Auction Mystery - I had looked at getting it, but I was already over my budget (like WAYYYY over). :D
I'll let you know what I think about it, Ruthanne. My boys hate art so I am looking for interesting... ahem, and budget? What's that? Agghh.. I was limited by how much I could fit in my carryon bag and bookbag!
You have a wonderful line up! Have fun with MOH.
I have grade levels also.
Whoops, meant to say I hate grade levels also. LOL
We used MUS from the beginning until this year...we switched to Life of Fred! We are starting IEW this year too!
Thanks for sharing. I also added your new blog button to my Links page! So cute!
You rawk the hizouse. This looks like a great year. I also do my boys together in everything but math. They are 16 mo apart, and it just makes like more peaceful here.
Interestingly - my nieces are 15 mo apart, and the public school they went to placed grades together. 1/2, 3/4, 5/6. They also felt "grade level" was arbitrary. And this was a PUBLIC school!
I tend to break up our days similar to yours. We don't work in all subject every day either.
Block scheduling, huh? Got me thinking. Thank you for sharing on the Blog Hop.
Hey! That sounds like a great plan. Do you actually have the Carmen Sandiego program yet? Does it really work on Vista? :) I remember watching the TV show with my oldest (now 16) and I have wanted the software for myself, er, my son for a while. Didn't know there was a Vista version. Thanks!
I LOVE block scheduling, especially in the high school years. it is such a great way to teach.
Your curriculum looks great!! :o)
Chris, I should be getting the Carmen Sandiego from Amazon tomorrow. I'll post about it after we give it a try. I have such good memories of that game and I learned important things like what a gumshoe was! Good times...
This all looks so good. I'm off to check out your art links. Have you enjoyed Lambs books of Art?
Wow! First let me start by saying I love your blog lift. Everything is so cozy and peaceful. It's beautiful!
I love IEW and we had great success with Noeo. I used them for Chemistry and the boys still want to go back and do experiments.
Thanks, for sharing!
Marsha, can you elaborate on the block scheduling? IT looks like a great idea, but how do you get all your LA done (or other subjects) when you are only doing them 2 or 3 times a week? By the way...that was me commenting on the purse post---new purse each year on my birthday. I also switched to the backpack style again. I just love having my hands free.
For the block scheduling, we do 2 days worth of Language Arts in a day. And on science days, we do 2 days of science in one day. All subjects are scheduled out for a 4-day school week.
It makes it easier for us to mentally focus on one subject, rather than hopping around so much. It also allows us to dig deeper or run a rabbit trail if we want-- which, honestly, rarely happens-- they just like to be done! ;)
With the 4 day school week, we have more flexibility with extra-curricular acitivities. Plus, that 5th day is great for field trips, playdates, cleaning or just catching up on anything we got behind on during the week.
Sounds like a great plan, have you done Math U See before? We're curious about that one.
Carmen Sandiego? Are you serious????? That's awesome. Great. Now I'm singing the song.
One more question Marsha.... How many hours per day do you spend (not counting breaks.) We just started our second week, and I feel like we are not spening enough time. I think we might be getting 2 hours per day in? For a first grader? What do you think?
unfortunately I have yet to learn that whole one room school house thing. I prefer to teach the boys together and Pumpkin on her own although she does participate in some subjects with the boys. No way could I have them doing their math and her doing her math at the same time. Maybe one day.
We love AVCO and I highly recommend their typing too. It's great. Joshua (11) has been at it for three years. Caleb, 2 and Luke 1.
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