When he's not working, David will most likely be wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt (solid color- because tall sizes in a graphic shirt are hard to come by... well, except this Game Over one apparently!).
I often wear a skirt and t-shirt in the summer and jeans and t-shirt in the winter. While my skirts are printed or boldly colored, I prefer to play it safe when it comes to shirts.
My favorite color?

Yup, the good ole standard black shirt. See, I don't have too many do I?
(Oops. That's not counting any tank tops, long sleeved shirts or sweaters that might be lurking in my closet. Oh, and that one v-neck in the laundry basket.)
Sometimes my friends and family laugh about my penchant for the dark side, but I really think it's a flattering color on me and when I wear it, I feel confident and comfortable.
I had to make a conscious effort to put on that blue shirt the other day!
So, what's your uniform? Do you have a go-to color or style? Maybe I want to shake it up a bit around here.
i tend to choose white shirts. but i'm trying to add more color. i love blue!
I like black, too, but I have a whole closet full of colors. I am pretty sure your sister once told me I only wear dark colors so I started making an effort to buy colors that aren't dark. Right now I am wearing a turquoise dress. =0)
Marsha, I think you look good in black too...it suits you! Lot's of people think it's wrong to wear black all the time...I am not one of these people! ;) I like to wear it quite a bit myself!!! I think it's sophisticated/classy.
~Stephanie Smith~
Melissa, how in the world do you wear white shirts all the time when you have babies, kids and pets? I think that's my problem. All of the above are hands-on and huggy-- and they all like to wipe snot on me (which isn't so great for a black shirt actually).
Brandy, someone told me that before too. But when I put on the above bright colors that I forced myself to buy, I felt odd and out of my skin.
Stephanie, stephanie! Girl, I thing you always look awesome and classy. :) Oh and that teal dress with the ruffled front looks great on you!
You might want to turn the light on in your closet, it's a bit dark in there. Oh wait! The light IS on! :-) There's a lady from our church who wears black most of the time, too. But, like you, she looks really good in it. I live in my comfortable, loose jumpers in the summer with mostly white t-shirts, and sometimes cream or red. That suits me to a t. :-)
Since I hardly see the same people more than once a week I tend to wear the same things over and over. I think if I had to pick 1 color I have most of it's brown. I need to go shopping! I hate shopping though. Blech! I need you to come up and help me. :)
No uniform here. We work out of the house. Mostly sweats, lol
Stripes...I hate that I wear them but I catch myself all the time going for them. I even had someone say one time when I grabbed one “that looks like you” and a friend tell me that when she wore one once her son said she looked like me! UGH! This summer I had finally bought two shirts that had no strips on them and were really girly (my stripes are just normal girly like your t-shirts above, nothing fancy. The main reason I bought them was because they were both less than $2.00 each at Kohls! How can you pass that up?
ohhhhh this post warranted a comment...mine is white t's...I have every style, and cut you could imagine...short sleeve, long sleeve...any white t shirt will do...layered or alone...I heart my white shirts...funny, there are only 2 black ones in there:) trade ya!
peace marsha!!
I choose pink most of the time, but I also like tangerine. I go dark in my skirts, better for my curvy figure. I like you in blue. It brightens up your smiling face. :O)
White, grey and black are the most common shirt colors in my closet. Origianl colors huh! I do have other colors I wear but I feel good in a black too~wore one today in fact.
my kids dress better than me since I can find such cute things at consignment sale etc. I hate clothes shopping for myself so I tend to stick with basics then wear it completely out until I MUST go shopping!
oooh! I'm a black person too! I really love it on you and me :P
I have started implementing some color cause someone asked me if I was goth... uhh no...
I think you look gorgeous no matter what color you wear. love you Marshy!
LATTE- That is so funny! I am the complete opposite with stripes! I will like one at the store, bring it home, and a week later HATE it. As in never wear it again. Ever.
I think I was traumatized by my little sister cleaning out my closet 10 years ago. A girl can only hear "these stripes were so 1991, Marsha!" so many times without suffering adverse effects.
SISTERLISA- pink and tangerine? really? wow. you are totally like my fun friend Dixie. not only does she have an amazing personality, but she wears clothes to match. nothing drab or dreary or serious for her! it's like summer and ice cream and fun all year long. :)
BECCA- we are wardrobe sisters. i heart grays and blues. we'll just call ourselves classic and be happy with that, right?
LORI- white doesn't cut it at my house. i am too messy for it. i mean, my boys are still in the huggy-love-you-with-dirty-faces-and-hands stage!
SUPERANGEL- Your momma has enough girls. I think you should come live with me. You can be my mirror mirror on the wall! LOL :)
Hmmm... I hope I didn't leave anyone out. I can go on and on and on when it comes to vain and frivolous things like clothes!
ROFL! awww! I LOVE YOU MARSHY! I hope to come down sometime. that would be really awesome
hugs! big HUGS!
I think you look hawt in black. Rrraawwrrrr. ;)
I love my uniform! I wear black pants, the flow-y kind, and some sort of colored shirt. My little dark secret is that if it wasn't so socially unacceptable, I would wear all black, all the time. Weird, huh? I love your black shirts! I try to go with several different styles, but sometimes I get 2-3 in the same style but different colors. So hard to find shirts that don't plunge.
How Funny! I thought I was the only one who was stuck on a favorite color of shirt...lol! I tend to gravitate toward blues. Since I have blue eyes, blue seems to always work best for me. I have to make a conscious effort to choose other colors while shopping, or my closet ends up filled with blue.
I think what you said about how you felt in what you choose to wear... confident and comfortable. I think that is the key! If you feel good in it, it must be right (unless, of course, you are a teeny bobber and are trying to "fit in" in today's crowd of the half-naked...lol!)
Thanks for the fun post!
You certainly know how to write fun posts! Tom would say my "uniform" is tank tops and shorts. I will exercise in the morning and sometimes delay the shower until much later on. I will grocery shop, walk the dogs, clean the apartment, and run errands in my "uniform." I generally have no idea what colors look right with my color, and since I change my hair color all the time, I just don't worry about it. I love jeans in the winter!
I have to be very intentional to stray out of my clothes comfort zone everyonce and a while too, or I will end up with a closet full of brown, in variety of shades of course. Even though I have ventured out colorwise, I still tend to collect hoodies.
PS. I just noticed your frog at the bottom of your page-nice touch ;)
Ummm... you'd think I'd pop out of lurkdom to say some something deep... profound... heart stirring.
Talkin' about clothes (shaking my head here).
I started doing the strangest thing this summer.
White. All white.
White jeans, white tank with a white top over it.
Oh, and white reading glasses too.
I think it started when I found out bees don't see white... I'm allergic. Not that I've had a bee sting me since the 6th grade but hey you never know.
I better get a plan for Fall though...
Maybe...black?? hee hee
My color is blue or a blue green. LOL I have hazel eyes and an olive complection and the color seems to suite me. I do where other colors, but I'd say that color is my "uniform". ;o)
DARCY, if I were drinking my coffee right now I would've snort it out (or is it up?) my nose! ROFL
I wish I could wear all white like that, Lainie, but I am not that confident or that brave! I bet you look fabulous (and tan!) in all white.
And blues and greens are very pretty, but blues seem safer to me than greens for some reason. I have ONE green shirt-- and it's rather bright. I like it even though I feel like I totally stick out when I wear it.
Andrea, I would wear tank tops more if I exercised! I need a boot camp like what you do. Except getting up at o-dark-thirty isn't conducive to the amount of beauty rest I require! ;)
I heart black shirts, too. :D
"black & yellow, black & yellow...ooh yellow & black, let's shake things up a little"
Ok enough movie quotes for the day. LOL
I have noticed a trend of RED in my closet. Weird?
I am right there with ya! It's one of MY colors and I look great in it! Goes with everything too!
Red and yellow kill a fellow, red and black venom lack!
I like red too. But only if it's the right shade. Perhaps my next frivolous friday post should be on lipstick? ;)
I don't like black even though it usually looks pretty good on blondes. I like happy, bright colors! Pink and red are the mainstay of my closet. But I've been branching out into a lot of blue lately. And I even bought a charcoal shirt. Almost black. You'd approve. LOL.
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